Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

Do you support the proposal for the new arena?

  • Yes

    Votes: 104 67.5%
  • No

    Votes: 40 26.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 6.5%

  • Total voters
I will continue to enjoy not going to big name concerts, as they are way to effin' expensive regardless of venue quality.
Funny story, Our Lady Peace and Collective Soul are playing the dome next month, and charging around $65 including fees.

And then a few months later, you'll be able to see Bush and Filter for... $110. At Grey Eagle. Make it make sense, as the kids say.

Ah the good old days of seeing Radiohead or Weezer for $15 at Mac Hall.

Yeah, speaking of 1995... that's a solid 30 years ago.

I saw Weezer about 20 years ago, and they were already at the Corral.
My favourite Corral shows were the recurring ones Megadeth would put on every summer (well, for a 5 year period or so)... with various opening acts like Anthrax, Slayer, Testament, etc.
The sound definitely is terrible. I saw Tool there about a year ago, and I was right beside the sound booth on the floor, and it was still echo-y. It doesn't help that they can't lower the jumbotron (or whatever it's called now) so they just put acoustic blankets over it lol. Hopefully the new building they can lower it and take it away, it's just a bunch of LED screens now anyway...
They cant really remove it every concert just yet (maybe something for the future?) but the one in Scotia Place is planned to be raised up into the roof out of the way during concerts.
I know its wishful thinking but a modern 30k capacity stadium on the Saddledome site would be awesome to replace McMahon if they could make it work with that space, have the Stamps and the Cavs (down the road) play there & truly make this the sports and entertainment district. They would need to allow tailgating in the main lot. I love the vibe of the games out at Spruce Meadows, but the transportation out there is a massive obstacle to really start pulling in a bigger crowd.
For Cavs locations too but since they are playing in CONCACAF Champions Cup for last 2 season in Vancouver because of lack of facilities in Calgary, and fans missed out big matches.
Personally I think they should follow Portland's example, and built a small soccer/football stadium right in University District, and tap into a younger market looking for a cheaper alternative.

That or convert the Stampede Grandstand to be able to handle football/soccer/athletics (for Stampede the chucks can run behind the stadium for part of the race for a dramatic surprise!). That place is already underused, so adding another stadium next door seems like it would be overkill.
The first arena in the NHL with a ring style jumbotron will probably happen in the next 5 years. Maybe in Utah? It wont happen here though, as all indications from the information they've handed out is that there will be a centre-hung jumbotron. And a ring style jumbotron would likely get in the way of broadcasting booths in many existing arenas in the league, limiting which ones can have one.
It might just end up a gimmick that does the same thing as a regular centre hung just at a higher cost. Kinda like the dual jumbotron setup in Seattle
The dual option seems good. The ring is cool but below is a perspective of what it looks like to fans. The near side is just too close and the far side too far. Most of the space is taken up by stats. The actual replay screen looks even smaller than the new Saddledome jumbotron. Personally I go to games live to watch the game on the ice, not read 25 different stat lines or some "AWS faceoff %" garbage. Can't wait for half of it to become live betting lines..

