New Member
I understand that having the two venues in relative proximity will increase the draw of talent for both cities. They won't end up competing in general. Currently talent will often not come up to Edmonton as it it too far of a distance to go for only one show. But now there are two venues to hit up here. So it will be good for both.I'm curious what happens when our arena is finished. Will we take concerts away from Edmonton? Will tours just add Calgary on top of their tours? Or do we both get more tours because they CAN do both?
With equally capable arenas, you'd assume Calgary would be a little more desirable destination (bigger population, generally wealthier demographic, more easily accessible via road/air) but I'm curious if that will be the case or does Edmonton have something else (besides the smell of sewage) that gives it an edge.
This is what one of the operators said in one of the ground breaking interviews from what I recall.