Residence Inn by Marriott | 127.10m | 36s | GWL | IBI Group

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    Votes: 2 4.4%
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    Votes: 19 42.2%
  • Good

    Votes: 20 44.4%
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    Votes: 4 8.9%
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The height of the parking floors in Guardian is about 15'. Not that that makes up all the difference. Combined with a possible slightly higher height per floor I could see it hitting the 127m. It's possible there was a mix up from IBI. Hard to say without seeing the latest DP. IMO the res tower looks taller in both the old rendering and the new one.


The retail floor and 3 levels of parking equate to 6-1/2 floors (going by a general measurement off the rendering) With a tower like Mark, the floors start counting right from the ground, and the main floor isn't terribly higher than normal. The bottom four floors of Mark are not much taller than 4 typical floors.

Whether or not it's 127m doesn't matter to me either, I just want the height to be accurate. True, it does seem a bit high, but when looking at the bottom 4 levels, and also the level between parking and first res floor, and the crown. It seems plausible.


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I don't care about the height personally, only that it is getting rid of an ugly parking lot along 10th ave. I will say that the residential tower looks taller than the hotel in the renderings, so it should be surprising that the actual height is taller.
Looking real good!
Hi Group,

A Few Questions About the Site. I Could B Wrong on this, but I had Read Some Where that "Qualex Landmark" had Origionally Planned to Build a Condo Tower at the Corner of 10/5 St. S.W. N.W. Side. What Happened? Is this Out of the Picture Now? I also Notice that Small Resturant Bldg Next Store to the Site. Its Been There for I Think Close to 10 Yrs or So. If its Still Open - Can't See it Lasting Much Longer Because the Land/Property is Worth a LOT of Money and City Taxes Will Make it Not Worth Staying Open. What Happens to the Property Now? I Think it Will B to Sell Out to a Developer, Take the Money and Run While You Still Can. Comments Anyone?

Hi Group.,

Will the Marriot Name B Going on the Hotel as Well? After all They Have Their Name at the Site on Center St S.E. I Can Presume that Site Could Change Hands as is Often Happens When Hotels Build More Hotels in Any Given City. Imterestng to See What Happens.

As far as Qualex Landmark goes, other than the Park point site which will eventually see a second tower they apparently own the NW corner of 11th St and 11th Ave SW which is currently the Maria Tomas and F2 furnishings site. Can't say I've ever heard about them owning anything near 10th and 5th but I wouldn't be shocked if they owned a few other beltline properties.

The liqour store beside the development will eventually be bought up and disappear but I think that will be years away. Now that the beltline is getting a bit more built out, developers are looking at the less desirable sites like the ones along the tracks but I don't see any rush to make it happen.
As far as Qualex Landmark goes, other than the Park point site which will eventually see a second tower they apparently own the NW corner of 11th St and 11th Ave SW which is currently the Maria Tomas and F2 furnishings site. Can't say I've ever heard about them owning anything near 10th and 5th but I wouldn't be shocked if they owned a few other beltline properties.

The liqour store beside the development will eventually be bought up and disappear but I think that will be years away. Now that the beltline is getting a bit more built out, developers are looking at the less desirable sites like the ones along the tracks but I don't see any rush to make it happen.

I was thinking back a ways, and it seems to me Qualex did own the Alberta boot site at one point. This is probably 10 years ago, IIRC.
I was thinking back a ways, and it seems to me Qualex did own the Alberta boot site at one point. This is probably 10 years ago, IIRC.

I remember Qualex originally owning the site, but don't recall how far back that was. I'm thinking somewhere between 5-10 years ago. They had plans to build two or three towers, and one of them quite tall, like 50-60 floors. They never submitted a DP though.
I'd love to see Qualex do a landmark tower of 50-60 floors like that. Too bad we probably won't see anything like that for a while now.
I am not usually a fan of tall residential towers, but I would like to see at least one big, tall ass residential tower for Calgary. I think we should make it 70 floors :cool:
There was a proposal for a Sutton Place Hotel in that location where the liquor store is. Given all the new hotel springing up, the Sutton Place hotel proposal is probably not gonna go anymore.
Either way, you are right, developers will eventually buy that lot as developable lots in the beltline are disappearing

As far as Qualex Landmark goes, other than the Park point site which will eventually see a second tower they apparently own the NW corner of 11th St and 11th Ave SW which is currently the Maria Tomas and F2 furnishings site. Can't say I've ever heard about them owning anything near 10th and 5th but I wouldn't be shocked if they owned a few other beltline properties.

The liqour store beside the development will eventually be bought up and disappear but I think that will be years away. Now that the beltline is getting a bit more built out, developers are looking at the less desirable sites like the ones along the tracks but I don't see any rush to make it happen.
