I've never been to Ottawa, but it might happen this summer. I will be at the family cottage over Canada Day and well, what's a five hour drive to a Canadian?
I'll be sure to check out the war memorial while I'm there.
I, I, I, I hate always beginning my sentences with I. I'll allow the irony to sink in. I'm going to try to work on this. Starting now.
The "Memorial" area around the 10th street bridge is a symptom of one of Calgary's unfortunate flaws. We just don't seem to be able to get our public plazas right. Olympic Plaza, James Short Park, that god awful thing that will hopefully someday become Fist Canadian East, Century Gardens, Tomkins Park, Eau Claire and this one. They all suck. I had to look up some of the names because they're so unmemorable. Not everything can be Central Memorial Park or Prince's Island, but we have to do better. My personal biggest beef though is Harley Hotchkiss park. The tall grass and horse sculptures are neat, but it's so sterile. My ultimate hope is that CMLC can make something nice out of Olympic Plaza and then maybe after a few years have gone by they can consider revisiting Harley Hotchkiss.
Don't even get me started on the Devonian Gardens...