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General Construction Updates

I saw on Twitter that there is a proposal for a 93 unit building, is that what the open house is for?

No that would be a different one. This one I believe is 105 units.
Yup, the one with the open house (105 units) is located on 9A street. The 93 unit project is on Memorial Drive.



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I'm not sure how I feel about 13 historic houses being destroyed for one 93 unit building. It better be freaking gorgeous!
Yeah that's a good point. How tall you think? 4 storeys ish?
Ugh... that's so... plain. I would hate for it to turn out like that. A larger scale version of this would be preferable, but knowing Calgary, we'll never see low rise of this calibre.
Wow that is sooo not Calgary! I love it! We need literally 150 more like this all around the inner ring :)
I am of two minds on this project. I do like it quite a lot. It's very mature and modern. I do worry that it will look a little drab in the winter time though. Still, I think it continues to add great diversity to Kensington. It easily has the best 8-10 storey buildings and projects in the city right now.
