News   Apr 03, 2020
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News   Apr 02, 2020
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General Construction Updates

Thanks, I don't get up that way much any more. I think you're right it was a Thriftlodge.

Anyone know of any plans for the site ?
Is this where that res tower with the out-of-scale rendering is going ?
No, that one was going where the Royal Wayne Motor Inn / Boston Pizza is. The Thriftlodge is (was) right at the corner of Banff Trail and 16th Ave. I know Ronmor got it rezoned recently, not sure if they have plans for it yet though.
A new, smallish office building is planned for Marda Loop, to replace the restaurant that burnt down last June:

Looks like they are aiming to have a cannabis store on the main floor, based on a recently submitted (along with several hundred other) applications.
Gravity is the architect, so it should be something pretty decent. If it burns down again when the cannabis store is in, or the whole of Marda Loop will turn in Marda Gras.
Great news about gravity.

Also, just checked the map, and I count at least FIVE applications for cannabis shops just within the 33/34 ave commercial area!
^Nothing like Head Shops to speed the decline of an area
