Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

Go Elevated or try for Underground?

  • Work with the province and go with the Elevated option

    Votes: 50 79.4%
  • Try another approach and go for Underground option

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • Cancel it altogether

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Go with a BRT solution

    Votes: 3 4.8%

  • Total voters
Conservative province dude. Live with it.
Increasingly less so. AB cities are fairly progressive. It's the uneducated, mouth-breathing conspiratorial types in rural areas that are holding the conservative faction together... And I'm not sure if you can even call their values conservative anymore... Peter Lougheed would hardly recognize the reactionary wildrose base as "conservative."
Really we could just call the UCP a right wing populist party, they’re not conservative, just pandering to the fears of the lowest common denominator.
Isn’t there like a 10 story parkade for the Calgary tower there? How tall would the train track have to be?
There's an access ramp on 2nd Street for vehicles on 9th Ave. The option I'd figured is they can choose to elevate over it at a +45 level (which may need to be considered anyway due to a double stacked +15 nearby 7th Ave), or remove the ramp, and have 10th Ave as the only access to the parkade. Either way, it'll need to be at a high height due to freight rail.
I think at this point we just need to see it elevated thru downtown and Eau Claire, using 2 St. That option was dismissed way too early in the review process last time, seemingly by office building owners who were worried about it decreasing their property values. But I really doubt their argument holds any water - elevated rail is everywhere in dense urban areas of Metro Vancouver, and people love it. Just get 'er built- it's a logical compromise that won't impact the quality of transit but will mean good transit reaches more people sooner.
If you elevated the tracks through downtown on 2 st, how do you get it over the tracks? First of all there is a massive parkade just south of them @ 10&2nd. Second the gradual grade that is required for a train to go up the slope (+30 over tracks) would require it to start probably by the bus barn if it was going downtown (it has too clear all north/south roads along way too). All the options thru downtown have been studied to death. It’s why underground is the only practical option.
True Vancouver is elevated but when the lines hit downtown Vancouver they are underground
Earlier in this thread we mentioned matching the elevated guideway on the west side of the city. It doesn't actually take that long to go from surface (4th Street SE) to being high enough to clear the CPKC tracks (600m).

IMO It couldn't be done by 3rd Street SE, unless 4th Street SE station is elevated (see Sunalta station). This is why I asked if they said what 4th Street SE station was, I don't think they have said but I assume it is a surface station because the logistics of an elevated station in such a central point are melting my mind. To me, this means 3rd Street SE (behind city hall) is off the table. Thankfully.

If we've thought of an alignment it is likely on the table as an option. I assume the AECOM report will be some nice reading over Christmas for me. They said shovels for 4th to Shepard early next year, we'll see.
I would say 4th street would be the natural alignment, but then the issue is getting over The Core, which at 4 storeys plus the domed roof, isn’t really feasible I guess. I always thought 11th and 2nd alignment was underbuilt though. 12 Ave and 5th Street tunnel would have been better. Get the people to where people go, easier. Employment Centre, population centre, mall, medical centre, etc. plus there’s both an eastbound and westbound station adjoining at 5th street. A station at Central Memorial Park on 12th, then turn up 5th building the turn under the Chumir parking lot. Even having the terminus at 5th and 7th. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Even 3rd would be better, since the plan already is to rebuild 3rd eventually anyways. Would make a good single lane one-way.

And that’s the end of my fantasy 10 billion dollar diatribe. 😂
I wonder if 12th ave to 5 st is really not possible elevated. You would need to figure out how to work it with the existing bike lanes etc, but a station near Chumir and then using the surface parking lot to swing around for the curve up 5th might make the best sense for getting people to where they want to go.

And just imagine the view from the train as you make that turn. That alone is worth the cost of admission. I also know having the elevated line go through heavy traffic areas is great as people stuck in traffic see the train fly by and start to wonder why am I waiting to make this left turn instead of taking the train.
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My reading is 4th Street SE station is at-grade and thus 12 Avenue alignment is a no go, how would you get it there? I think a 4th Street Se station at-grade gives you only two options.

10 Avenue to 2 Street SW
11 Avenue to 1 Street SW
10/11 Avenue to 1 Street SE (yeah I said it)

glad they're high-floor trains

Not happening...

"As that engineering work continues, Dreeshen said he hopes it means construction contracts for the project can be finalized soon. He noted the agreement means existing contracts, like the one for new LRT cars, can be honoured."

Also from the article:

"Barclay Parade closes

The city is also moving forward with permanently closing Barclay Parade S.W., a street in downtown's Eau Claire district. Barclay Parade runs between Eau Claire Market and the nearby River Run condominiums, two buildings that have been slated for demolition to make way for the Green Line.

The Green Line team identified the demolition plan for Eau Claire Market and the River Run condos as an urgent decision the city must make, given potential safety and security concerns. A date to demolish the two buildings, which have sat empty for months, has not yet been set."

Sounds like some uncertainty (understandably) on the alignment meaning without all the information the city will need to make a decision on Eau Claire.
A dying mall with a stale redevelopment proposal and a plaza that’s taken years to finish some bricks and sticks? That’s not exactly revitalized if you ask me. Maybe the developer dragged their feet due to all of the politics involved.

What a dump:

Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 8.03.20 AM.png
My reading is 4th Street SE station is at-grade and thus 12 Avenue alignment is a no go, how would you get it there? I think a 4th Street Se station at-grade gives you only two options.
I am not an urban planner, just a lowly project manager, so I am unaware of what was discussed before, but why could the station not be on 12 Ave right outside the new stadium? Most of that side of the stadium is grade level gathering places and restaurants. This would most likely be the best route and that is why they decided to tunnel this route, but just wondering why grade level to elevated would not work.
I am not an urban planner, just a lowly project manager, so I am unaware of what was discussed before, but why could the station not be on 12 Ave right outside the new stadium? Most of that side of the stadium is grade level gathering places and restaurants. This would most likely be the best route and that is why they decided to tunnel this route, but just wondering why grade level to elevated would not work.
The province's need for it to be integrated into a Grand Central Station. Maybe 12 Avenue does that, but I think they've decided the at-grade station is either on 10 or 11 Avenues. I think 10 Avenue. Unfortunately, journalists don't have our enthusiasm for this project so they don't clarify what has been decided on 4 Street SE station. Something has been decided because they're now (maybe after the long weekend as those people are likely celebrating having a job today) proceeding with final designs we just know what.
Isn’t there like a 10 story parkade for the Calgary tower there? How tall would the train track have to be?
It's a good opportunity to demolish the parkade and build an elevated station over the CP tracks that serves the Beltline and Downtown.

Or...if structurally possible...retain the existing parkade and convert it to an LRT station.
It's a good opportunity to demolish the parkade and build an elevated station over the CP tracks that serves the Beltline and Downtown.

Or...if structurally possible...retain the existing parkade and convert it to an LRT station.
Didn't want to put this in the green line thread... They've got new ideas over at Waterous and they're... Interesting?

"If CPKC gets on board, the province can build CADE from the airport to downtown within the CPKC rail corridor and then elevate the track for 5.5 km between the Bow River and 11th Street S.W. CADE’s 2.4-km downtown section could include three new stations along 9th Avenue: Downtown East (at 4th Street S.E. — Grand Central Station), Midtown (at 3rd Street S.W.) and Downtown West (at 11th Street S.W)."

No way it happens. I like the Waterous' though, they're like us but have money.

Waterous' are thinking of just that for their proposal.
I wonder if 12th ave to 5 st is really not possible elevated. You would need to figure out how to work it with the existing bike lanes etc, but a station near Chumir and then using the surface parking lot to swing around for the curve up 5th might make the best sense for getting people to where they want to go.

And just imagine the view from the train as you make that turn. That alone is worth the cost of admission. I also know having the elevated line go through heavy traffic areas is great as people stuck in traffic see the train fly by and start to wonder why am I waiting to make this left turn instead of taking the train.
Love love love the idea of using the parking lot next to chumir for something. And the thought of shoving visible transit down the throat of 12 ave drivers is absolutely titillating!
