Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

Go Elevated or try for Underground?

  • Work with the province and go with the Elevated option

    Votes: 50 79.4%
  • Try another approach and go for Underground option

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • Cancel it altogether

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Go with a BRT solution

    Votes: 3 4.8%

  • Total voters
Myself, I’m against the idea of the Nose Creek alignment. It might be cheaper than the centre street alignment, but as a city we’re at a point where we need to do things the best way not the cheapest way.
The best way is putting the line where the people are.
Agreed, but the government above seems to have different ideas for the future of our cities.
Myself, I’m against the idea of the Nose Creek alignment. It might be cheaper than the centre street alignment, but as a city we’re at a point where we need to do things the best way not the cheapest way.
The best way is putting the line where the people are.
I guess I'll ask then, if the cost matters that little to some, then why does it matter whether the province does their share? The city should just do it on their own....

The answer is we cant. So when you need other peoples money, cost/benefit matters.
I'm not slamming TOD, i think it's a great idea. But I think we forget what a true TOD is...and the primary element of that is land/parking lots. Centre St is a VERY tight corridor, which is already lined with 3-4-5 story residential/commercial. So you arent going to see a large meaningful influx that "changes" the degree to which the transit itself is encouraging development, or increasing ridership. I think tunneling is the only LRT option that would physically work in that space, and I see that being a highly, highly unlikely endeavour due to cost. Would a BRT enhancement work? possibly

I also reject the notion that by not proceeding at this point, we arent "bold" enough as a city, or are "scared" of big projects. Calgary is already a world class city, and many publications have backed that up. Spending recklessly on a project that serves a VERY small number of people, is not bold
Oh I didn't think you were slamming TOD and I don't think anyone here is really. And I agree that tunnel up center to beddington would be the ideal solution, just throwing out an idea on how to get faster transit to the communities north of there sooner.

In the older neighborhoods the TOD will come in time, few if any of those homes or small apartments will outlive a well designed transit ROW.
Austerity for the sake of it in a province with a surplus just doesn't scream "enthusiastic" about transit to me, and throwing out a good plan for a haphazard one It's not a win for transit, especially the context of this project being transformed into a weird political play.
It's not just about austerity. Even for a very wealthy region and where every taxpayer understand and agree that transit doesn't need to pay for itself (or even come close) we still should worry about ROI and opportunity costs. Spending so much on the Green Line also affects all of the other projects that in RouteAhead. And specifically, Stage 1 going over-budget means that it needs future money to fix its gaps (and it already took without asking anybody), money that long ago was promised to disappointed NC transit users to be used to go north and the Green Line being stuck at 16th Avenue Eau Claire would just be temporary thing.

If one can fantasize about alternate alignments and future 7th ave tunnels then one can fantasize about a $13B green line that is done correctly
You need the priority and main-line projects to come in on budget to have money leftover for the fantasy and want projects.
Interesting read why the Nose Creek option was dropped.
From the article, is there any further information on the source of this table, and details about each of the criteria and how it is scored?

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any breakdown, and the 4 page Council report linked in the article didn't seem to expand on it either. Perhaps if I went to City archives and looked for the attachments. But, if I am reading it right, I see that actual deliverablity of the project (I assume that means ability to actually construct it) seems to be given the same weight as "Prosperous Economy" and "Community Well being", whatever that means. So based on this chart, even though the Centre Street options all scored a 3 for deliverability (which again, I am not sure exactly what it means, and am surprised to see at-grade score the same as underground), compared to the better scored 4 for Nose Creek, Centre Street is given scores of between 4 and 5 for Community Well Being, against the 1 of Nose Creek.

Are we sure this decision to say that Nose Creek is inferior is based on the most sound, objective analysis?
.LRT up Centre is a pipe dream. If the estimate to build 7 stations from Eau Claire to Lynwood, much of through easy to contruct freight rail corridors and industrial areas, is $7B what would a line up Centre cost? Probably $5B plus.
Centre doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. We’re a big city now, so time to put the big boy pants on, and just do it.
Building it through Nose Creek is 1980’s type thinking where the cheapest way was the best way.
Sure, your enthusiasm is noted and your post history speaks for itself.

Austerity for the sake of it in a province with a surplus just doesn't scream "enthusiastic" about transit to me, and throwing out a good plan for a haphazard one It's not a win for transit, especially the context of this project being transformed into a weird political play.

If one can fantasize about alternate alignments and future 7th ave tunnels then one can fantasize about a $13B green line that is done correctly, the claim that this needs "fixing" because we deserve a budget line instead is very obviously ideologically driven and valid to call out, IMO. And I did so as a general statement so you need not feel targeted unless you were planning to tell on yourself.
I guess we can agree to disagree that Lynnwood to Eau Claire for $6.3B constitutes a good plan. If you want to call it the least awful of only awful choices right now, that would be a lot more reasonable IMO (even though I disagree)

I generally hate any both sides argument, but both sides are absolutely guilty of politicizing this (albeit the right doing so actively from the Leg. while the left is mostly rhetoric online and in council meetings)

I'm not slamming TOD, i think it's a great idea. But I think we forget what a true TOD is...and the primary element of that is land/parking lots. Centre St is a VERY tight corridor, which is already lined with 3-4-5 story residential/commercial. So you arent going to see a large meaningful influx that "changes" the degree to which the transit itself is encouraging development, or increasing ridership. I think tunneling is the only LRT option that would physically work in that space, and I see that being a highly, highly unlikely endeavour due to cost. Would a BRT enhancement work? possibly

I also reject the notion that by not proceeding at this point, we arent "bold" enough as a city, or are "scared" of big projects. Calgary is already a world class city, and many publications have backed that up. Spending recklessly on a project that serves a VERY small number of people, is not bold
What if Centre St simply doesn't need any substantial TOD? We know the ridership is there...just deliver the transit! How many customers are on the sidelines right now after encountering too many overloaded buses? How much more operational efficiency could we achieve here, freeing up resources to deploy elsewhere?

Completely agree on your last statement though. Lots of people try to paint this as many alternatives being studied over and over again (and we've gotta respect that work!), but most of the biggest decisions were only looked at once in the 2015-17 range. Since then it's been reiteration after reiteration within a few unwavering assumptions: it's gotta be SE, gotta be trains, gotta be low floor trains at that, gotta be tunnels. The bold move is to realize that it's not actually analysis's just paralysis because it doesn't pass the common sense sniff test!
From the article, is there any further information on the source of this table, and details about each of the criteria and how it is scored?
View attachment 595905

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any breakdown, and the 4 page Council report linked in the article didn't seem to expand on it either. Perhaps if I went to City archives and looked for the attachments. But, if I am reading it right, I see that actual deliverablity of the project (I assume that means ability to actually construct it) seems to be given the same weight as "Prosperous Economy" and "Community Well being", whatever that means. So based on this chart, even though the Centre Street options all scored a 3 for deliverability (which again, I am not sure exactly what it means, and am surprised to see at-grade score the same as underground), compared to the better scored 4 for Nose Creek, Centre Street is given scores of between 4 and 5 for Community Well Being, against the 1 of Nose Creek.

Are we sure this decision to say that Nose Creek is inferior is based on the most sound, objective analysis?
I don’t know the definitions myself, but I would say deliverability scores higher due to it being cheaper and easier. I don’t argue it would be cheaper and easier, but often the better option is harder and costlier.
Community well being? Not sure what that is, but if I had to guess it’s related to being better integrated to the community. IDK.
From the article, is there any further information on the source of this table, and details about each of the criteria and how it is scored?
View attachment 595905

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any breakdown, and the 4 page Council report linked in the article didn't seem to expand on it either. Perhaps if I went to City archives and looked for the attachments. But, if I am reading it right, I see that actual deliverablity of the project (I assume that means ability to actually construct it) seems to be given the same weight as "Prosperous Economy" and "Community Well being", whatever that means. So based on this chart, even though the Centre Street options all scored a 3 for deliverability (which again, I am not sure exactly what it means, and am surprised to see at-grade score the same as underground), compared to the better scored 4 for Nose Creek, Centre Street is given scores of between 4 and 5 for Community Well Being, against the 1 of Nose Creek.

Are we sure this decision to say that Nose Creek is inferior is based on the most sound, objective analysis?

It's curious how at-grade (and elevated for that matter) is better for 'community well-being' while underground is better for urban development.

But apparently at-grade will cost the same for any of the options.

Somehow at-grade scores equal or higher for 'transportation'. Accessibility must be doing a lot of work within that.
I'm not slamming TOD, i think it's a great idea. But I think we forget what a true TOD is...and the primary element of that is land/parking lots. Centre St is a VERY tight corridor, which is already lined with 3-4-5 story residential/commercial. So you arent going to see a large meaningful influx that "changes" the degree to which the transit itself is encouraging development, or increasing ridership. I think tunneling is the only LRT option that would physically work in that space, and I see that being a highly, highly unlikely endeavour due to cost. Would a BRT enhancement work? possibly
The fact that Centre street already has those apartment buildings and dense areas is the reason we need to build there. It’s where the people are.
The common TOD of high rises built on empty lots won’t happen on Centre, but we’ll get a higher number of smaller multi-family developments within walking distance of the stations.
There’s potential for just as many new units built within walking distance of the stations as there would be for the Nose Creek run. These new units would be in addition to existing units and would be much better integrated into the urban fabric.
From the article, is there any further information on the source of this table, and details about each of the criteria and how it is scored?
The source for that table comes from this 100 page report on the North Central LRT corridor from December 2014:

As part of the Transportation and Transit committee meeting which focused heavily on the North Central LRT and Green Line in general:

Unfortunately that report is missing very useful appendices. I managed to download them from the Calgary Transit website long ago but after a reorganization of their site, I haven't been able to find them anywhere on the Internet. If you're interested, I can zip them and put them a site for you to download.

In Appendix D, it provides a table with the actual dollar figures for the different alignment options. The estimated cost for the at-grade options are so low that the differences are almost irrelevant.

Centre doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. We’re a big city now, so time to put the big boy pants on, and just do it.
Building it through Nose Creek is 1980’s type thinking where the cheapest way was the best way.
"just do it", lol. Wild the hills people will die on...$700M for the event center BAAAAD (which actually has set annual payments to cover it all)...$4B+, probably, for a 4km subway up center street BIG CITY DECISONS LETS GOOOO.

literally, where is this money coming from
A good transit project is not good at any cost, and at some point, the costs are too high to justify.

Part of the problem is a bad procurement strategy, lack of civil service capacity, as well as high risk and inflation from (almost entirely conservative) political actors. Some of these could in theory be fixed sooner than others, but that's a discussion for another time.

The other part of the problem is the assumption that road space is sacrosanct in the centre city. That's the fundamental assumption that leads to lengthy tunnelling in uncertain conditions, which then leads (via the procurement strategy) to preposterous cost blowouts because the private sector is being used to price in risk. And that's why there are these arguments over a wildly expensive tunnel, or an expensive and low-quality elevated stub.

But we have plenty of road space in the downtown! Traffic volumes are down from 15 years ago; there's more road space than ever! There is no need to spend a billion dollars tunnelling in the east Beltline to avoid an at-grade crossing of Macleod to maintain road capacity. Macleod has been down one lane (and frequently two lanes) for the past few years due to the Vic Park LRT reconstruction, and the world hasn't ended.

The approach I would take if I didn't think the tunnel could be constructed for a reasonable cost is straight forward - the north line comes down the Centre Street Bridge, turns on 3rd Ave with a stop in Chinatown, then goes down 1st St W to 7th Ave. The southeast leg comes down 11th Ave (or one direction on 11th, one on 12th), then goes under the CPR using the existing structure at 1st St W. All of these roads lose two lanes of car space and gain a two-way LRT track, which results in a rough 5x increase in person moving capacity.

If we don't want to cross the LRT at grade right now because of operational reasons, then the two legs can just end either side of 7th Ave, and the few people making the southeast-to-north central trip have a short walk to transfer, but everybody who is going to the downtown has a train to the centre, and everybody connecting to the blue or red lines has the same short walk to transfer they would normally -- in fact, shorter in many cases since they don't have to go up three floors or down two. When the 8th Ave subway is built and the red line moves off of 7th Ave, we can reconsider connecting the Green Line, since 7th will have a lot fewer constraints.

This is the actual, obvious, cost-controlled way to build the centre segment. It removes the risk of tunnels and the risk of elevated construction (ask Edmonton about that). The simplicity also means it can be built faster, which is also cheaper.

I get why the build-it-best crowd is behind a tunnel. But the build-it-cheap crowd should be 100% behind at-grade construction. If they are not, that to me suggests that they are not actually the build-it-cheap crowd.
