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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

Went for a walk this afternoon to get my 3 month old to sleep for a nap and came across the sister development of Westman Village that Jayman is starting up on the south Mahogany Lake front. Called The Streams.
Also found a couple of renders on their new limited website: Appears to be much lower density development than I imagined it would be.

A couple of things about the project:
- The whole neighborhood is multifamily of some type, but retains some feel of a neighborhood of single family homes, for those who still want that feel.
- The streets are kind of a grid style pattern with perpendicular pathways.
- Nice to be along side some water.
We've discussed this a little in the Office Space Conversion thread. Basically, Sierra Place (originally the Dome building) was built as shown on the left in that tweet in 1958 as a four story building, the same year as the landmark Elveden Centre across the street (and in a similar style). In 1980, six more stories were added, but they are fairly consistent in look with the bottom four rather than a Biscuit Block (etc) totally different style.


This link has more history of the building. There are a handful of good ca. 1958 International style buildings in the area; in addition to Dome/Sierra Place and Elveden Centre, there's the Britannia Building across the alley from Dome/Sierra and the Petro-Fina building across the alley from Elveden. This area was really Calgary's first downtown of the post-war/post-Leduc oil boom era.

To me it's a pity to lose the heritage facade of the building, but I suppose push come to shove I'll take more housing units than an empty heritage building, if both are not possible.

It's not like we can't have both though. The Barron building is an excellent example of this.

Here's a thought, just reclad the 1980s addition, retaining the original "legit" heritage facade of the first 4 floors.
Once again Corbella takes up almost all the column dishing out heaps of melodrama rather than actually getting to the heart of the issue, which she breezes past in the second last paragraph without providing any concrete details. "All sorts of changes"? What changes, exactly? You're a journalist. Do your damned job! "Simply don't want a DQ built there"? Now she's just lying. She has absolutely no evidence to back up that explosive change because she just made it up to spark culture war outrage.

Is she though?
Also found a couple of renders on their new limited website: Appears to be much lower density development than I imagined it would be.

View attachment 317008
The thing that burns me about this neighbourhood is that there is no sidewalks on either side of the road. After you go around the corner the sidewalk stops. Why does the City of Calgary allow for such planning? Are we not trying to create more walkable communities?
If I had to guess: file manager should have compromised plus the DP for the drive through was actually approved after the ARP anti drive through policy was approved - it was a modification but since it was relaxed then it should be relaxed now.
