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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

How tall is the ground floor? Not a huge (at all really) basketball fan, so don't know how much clearance you need to allow a game to play. If it is a standard 10' ceiling, the dunks will be spectacular and frequent at least!
There is indeed a sport court within a 'mesh' frame, with a coloured asphalt surface. How public the access is, who knows. The permit notes doors. Amenity for the incubator/accelerator during the day and public at other times hopefully.


A structural column impedes expanding the court into the courtyard more unfortunately.

The next level is at ~6m, so even with structural beams there will be plenty of clearance.

You're actually not that far off... I do believe the plan is to relocate the Bounce park to the ground floor of Platform
Ugh, kind of would like it somewhere outside on street level where the vibrancy can be openly seen as a pedestrian, somewhat of a spillover effect.
agreed. Either way, petitioning should be either #bballonthestreet or #bballontheroof :)
You’re right about the street activity, having it easily accessible and setup like a park in the current format does a lot to attract activity and patrons for other nearby shit. Really hope it can be as fun when ‘formalized’ in a somewhat indoor space in the new format. It seems successful in its current format because it is so visible and changed the culture of a corner. Tucked into a building it might feel like playing Ball at the Y, and not like a cool street court.
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Just saw this proposed building for a luxury condo tower posted on the McKinley page. Looks like the location is where the bounce basketball courts are in EV. (sorry for the grainy shot, it's a screenshot from IG).

are there soil remediation issues for this lot? isnt that usually an issue for abandonded service stations?
Moving it indoors is a plus in the winter months but it sucks that it wont have the same atmosphere as the existing site and it also looks to be split down to a half court.
They should move Bounce to another location nearby that's empty. Is THIS site beside the St. Louis Hotel still empty? It's about the same size.
This 15 Ave proposal is worse than I could have possibly imagined.

Yeah yeah, what I'm getting at is no one is against development of any kind on that lot, so spreading lies like that is a huge disservice to the actual concerns of the community.

So, in your mind, what is this glorious parking lot/car dealership, and what is it contributing
View attachment 257170
Mixed use proposal in Ogden, with the United Church on the bottom and the Mustard Seed operating the affordable housing above:
This one is going to CPC this week. Policy and land use here:
DP drawings here:
