Not that any of us were under and delusions to the contrary, but Bucha seems to have barely been the tip of the iceberg of the Russian atrocities against Ukrainian civilians. Borodyanka is proving to be far worse… I can’t even imagine how bad things are in Mariupol.
How have the Ukrainians even managed to hold the city? At least the others have had opportunities for resupply at least once or twice in the past 6 weeks, Mariupol… a city of half a million people, has had nothing. I imagine once the Ukrainians retake the city, it will truly turn the world against Russia indefinitely… including a lot of people in Russia.
Imagine how many Russians have family in Mariupol, Kherson, Melitopol, Berdiansk and others (hundreds of thousands if not more) and haven’t heard from them in over a month? Even with the “special military operation” and propaganda, many of them must be seriously questioning what the f*ck this is all about.