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News   Apr 02, 2020
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Russia/Ukraine Conflict

Really turning into a powder keg here. Feels like the spark that could ignite a global conflict… at literally the worst possible time.

With Sweden and Finland set to join NATO imminently, and all three Baltic states plus Poland stepping up their shipments of weapons to Ukraine, Russia may respond, pulling all of NATO into war.

I mean, obviously there’s never a good time for global conflict, but holy shit. Kinda scary. Record heat, record drought, new highly active solar cycle, China surpassing NATO in advanced weapons (railguns, electron cannons, etc.). Now Russia is literally threatening the use of nuclear weapons outright now - not just hinting at it - if Ukraine retakes its own sovereign bloody friggin territory. Psychopathic superpower-wannabe b*tchass hoes. At least nearly the whole planet is united in their denouncement of the illegal annexation of southern Ukraine. Even their own so-called allies.
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Honestly the best action to take would be to end the war with Russia taking those oblasts and Ukraine quickly joining NATO. Russia is in severe trouble domestically because they're isolated economically and are currently losing all their young population (which already take up a small demographic) do to mass emigration. Sure Ukraine will have lost the war, but they'll be better off then Russia in the long run as a member of NATO because of economic aid coming in from said NATO countries to rebuild the nation. No matter how this war ends Russia is seriously Fu**ed.
Honestly the best action to take would be to end the war with Russia taking those oblasts and Ukraine quickly joining NATO. Russia is in severe trouble domestically because they're isolated economically and are currently losing all their young population (which already take up a small demographic) do to mass emigration. Sure Ukraine will have lost the war, but they'll be better off then Russia in the long run as a member of NATO because of economic aid coming in from said NATO countries to rebuild the nation. No matter how this war ends Russia is seriously Fu**ed.
That would be a decision to be made by no one other than the Ukrainian government. Given Russia's history of raping, torturing and killing Ukrainian civilians, a decision to willfully surrender territory along with its occupants seems unlikely.

I don't see this ending until Putin is gone (either dead, in exile or jail). Western governments need to commit to helping whatever comes next in Russia to root out corruption and build sustainable institutions that aren't built on fear and intimidation
Honestly the best action to take would be to end the war with Russia taking those oblasts and Ukraine quickly joining NATO. Russia is in severe trouble domestically because they're isolated economically and are currently losing all their young population (which already take up a small demographic) do to mass emigration. Sure Ukraine will have lost the war, but they'll be better off then Russia in the long run as a member of NATO because of economic aid coming in from said NATO countries to rebuild the nation. No matter how this war ends Russia is seriously Fu**ed.
I agree somewhat, but as part of any such deal, Ukraine should absolutely retain all of Kherson oblast west of the Dnipro, and 100% of both Mykolaiv and Kharkiv Oblasts (the Russians still hold like 8% of both). Russia holding anything west of the Dnipro should be seen as a non-starter.

Though I fully agree with Doug that after what has happened, they will never relent, nor should they. We wouldn’t, no country would, so we shouldn’t expect them to.
Ukraine giving up territory is obviously not ideal. I'm just saying that a quick end to the conflict would be more of a benefit to Ukraine than it would be to Russia even if Ukraine gives up territory.
Ukraine giving up territory is obviously not ideal. I'm just saying that a quick end to the conflict would be more of a benefit to Ukraine than it would be to Russia even if Ukraine gives up territory.
That would set an extremely dangerous precedent globally though. Essentially telling the world that f*ck the Geneva Convention and territorial integrity. Your army can torture and execute whomever they want without repercussions. Oh, you don’t like your neighbouring state? Invade them, raze their cities, and terrorize their population. Cause a global humanitarian, food, and refugee crisis. It’s all cool.
That would be a decision to be made by no one other than the Ukrainian government. Given Russia's history of raping, torturing and killing Ukrainian civilians, a decision to willfully surrender territory along with its occupants seems unlikely.

I don't see this ending until Putin is gone (either dead, in exile or jail). Western governments need to commit to helping whatever comes next in Russia to root out corruption and build sustainable institutions that aren't built on fear and intimidation
That's about sums it up. most of this comes down to one person, which is usually the case in a dictatorship. Unfortunately that one person is a madman.
While recently travelling through Europe I noticed there is quite a bit of anti-Putin sentiment. Especially in the Czech Republic, they were anti-Putin signs pretty much on every corner lol
I saw signs supporting Ukraine in every other city I was in as-well.
Ukraine: *attacks enemy warships in occupied port during a time of war*

Russia: “WAAAHH You’re terrorists! Waaahh we’re gonna pull out of the grain deal and threaten the planet with starvation WAAAAHHH”

Turkey: “Lol you fuckin think so eh? Try it and find out.”


Long story short, more grain was shipped out of Ukraine today than any other day since the invasion. The UN, Turkey, and the world are sick of Russian bullshit. Glad they finally called their pitiful bluff.
I'm sure it was a mistake, but apparently 2 people in Poland were killed.

Some reports are now saying that this was a fragment of a missile that the Ukrainians shot down...
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