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Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

Here is a link to the Crowchild Medium & Long-Term plans from 2017. Medium term listed as 2027+ so heres hoping they can complete the stretch from 24th Ave. to the river by 2030. 🤞🏼

Crowchild is the top of my priority wish list followed by Glenmore Trail East freewayisation (Barlow, 52 St. & 68 St. interchanges) and 16th Ave East incl. 3 continuous lanes and Deerfoot, 19 St. & 68 St. Interchanges.
So now that Stoney trail is complete, and with the Deerfoot upgrades well on their way, what's next for major road work in Calgary?

I recall completing Crowchild to freeway specs was on the agenda years ago, but seems like that's gone cold.

While not Calgary per se, I did a quick road trip through AB earlier in the month and was surprised at how many level crossings are still left on Hwy 2 between Calgary and Red Deer.

I don't think they all need to become overpasses, most could probably just be closed, but it seems like such a simple easy win, I'm honestly shocked the province hasn't sorted it out already.
With north Calgary lacking some good E-W crosstown routes, I'd like to see John Laurie & McKnight Boulevards widened to 6 lanes between Shaganappi & Deerfoot Trails.

As for QE2, I agree that those level crossings should be removed. I've noticed that some of road name signs have been taken down, so maybe that's an indication of things to come. Maybe 1 or 2 could be converted to a flyover or full interchange, but the others could probably just converted to RIRO or simply closed.
Here is a link to the Crowchild Medium & Long-Term plans from 2017. Medium term listed as 2027+ so heres hoping they can complete the stretch from 24th Ave. to the river by 2030. 🤞🏼

Crowchild is the top of my priority wish list followed by Glenmore Trail East freewayisation (Barlow, 52 St. & 68 St. interchanges) and 16th Ave East incl. 3 continuous lanes and Deerfoot, 19 St. & 68 St. Interchanges.

Crowchild and Glenmore complete by 2030 would be pretty great, throw in McLeod south of Glenmore and Calgary has a pretty nice freeway network going..

Having green line and the other rail projects in progress by then as well would have me genuinely head scratching at what should be built or upgraded next!

Maybe by then the city will have grown to the point where things like the Sarcee / Shag connection get revisited?
Crowchild and Glenmore complete by 2030 would be pretty great, throw in McLeod south of Glenmore and Calgary has a pretty nice freeway network going..

Having green line and the other rail projects in progress by then as well would have me genuinely head scratching at what should be built or upgraded next!

Maybe by then the city will have grown to the point where things like the Sarcee / Shag connection get revisited?
I would assume Macleod between Glenmore and Anderson will never be upgraded to freeway status. The city wants that strip to be upgraded to main street level, along with the pending TOD's in the corridor. The only location I could see a interchange being built at is Heritage DR because of the proximity of the intersection to the LRT/CPKC tracks and train station/TOD area. There's a lot going on there, and it's not ideal for any mode of mobility.

Sarcee and Shag is also another that'll likely remain dead. The community has become too fond of Edworthy Park, and serves better purpose than a road through there would for a lot of people. There isn't strong enough political appetite to make that happen, and the connection shouldn't ever be necessary. If anything is to happen there, it would be investment to improve the park.
I think the city will have enough of a challenge trying to civilize McLeod from north of Glenmore to DT, why make the battle harder than it needs to be?

The TODable areas between Glenmore and Anderson could turn their back on the main road, and focus their urbanization efforts on the inward facing parts, fed by Bonaventure, Flint and Fairmont on the east side, and Haddon, Horton and an upgraded 4a St on the west.

As you said, its current state isn't ideal for any sort of mobility. Why try and induce cyclists and pedestrians there when there are much calmer options nearby?

For the Sarcee / Shag link, it could take the form of LRT rather than a 6 lane freeway as once proposed.

I see Edworthy park mentioned favorably here a lot, but I think that may change when train frequency increases with commuter and Banff traffic, won't be as quiet of a place anymore..
With north Calgary lacking some good E-W crosstown routes, I'd like to see John Laurie & McKnight Boulevards widened to 6 lanes between Shaganappi & Deerfoot Trails.
Traveling that route, the main issue is the McKnight-Deerfoot interchange imo. The juice isn't worth the squeeze on the rest. Similar to the 64th-Deerfot interchange.
With north Calgary lacking some good E-W crosstown routes, I'd like to see John Laurie & McKnight Boulevards widened to 6 lanes between Shaganappi & Deerfoot Trails.

As for QE2, I agree that those level crossings should be removed. I've noticed that some of road name signs have been taken down, so maybe that's an indication of things to come. Maybe 1 or 2 could be converted to a flyover or full interchange, but the others could probably just converted to RIRO or simply closed.
I agree with all of this.
Traveling that route, the main issue is the McKnight-Deerfoot interchange imo. The juice isn't worth the squeeze on the rest. Similar to the 64th-Deerfot interchange.
I agree that 6 through lanes + merge lanes probably doesn't fit on the existing overpass over Deerfoot, but there are also significant issues with backups at the signals at 4 St NW, Centre St, and Edmonton Tr. While not ideal, an initial phase could be McKnight/JLB could be widened to 6 lanes with a reduction to 4 thru lanes over Deerfoot.

How Alberta is spending $8.5B in Budget 2025 on transportation​

Quotes relating to Calgary from the article:
In Calgary, the $2.1 billion includes more than a billion dollars in funding for Calgary LRT projects, like the long-embattled Green Line project and $5 million to support planning work to connect the Blue Line LRT to the airport. It also includes $484.8 million to upgrade Deerfoot Trail.
In the Calgary region, the funding over the next three years in transportation and economic corridor projects includes:
  • $100 million for the Calgary ring road (west Stoney Trail).
  • $62.4 million for the Springbank off-stream reservoir, a flood mitigation effort redirecting water from the Elbow River into a dry reservoir.
  • $26.5 million to complete the Stoney Trail and Airport Trail interchange.
  • $11.9 million for the proposed Bow River Reservoir.
  • $8 million to complete the Highway 201 Bow River Bridge on southeast Stoney Trail.
