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General Construction Updates

Sorry to be such a noob, but what was the Ramsay problem?

The City of Calgary was considering several different alignments for the Green Line through the Beltline. Two of the leading contenders involved the Green Line surfacing from its underground Beltline alignment on 12th Ave SE just east of Olympic Way and either curve north to the CP tracks, impacting the Victoria Park Transit Centre or continue straight east through the community of Ramsay to link up with the CP tracks there. This would have required the demolition of several homes in Ramsay. The City was looking for a solution that would eliminate the impact of the Green Line to both Ramsay and the Victoria Park Transit Centre and eventually settled on having the Green Line swing north from 12th Ave underground to the CP tracks along 10th Ave and surface just west of 4th Street SE. In order to facilitate this option, the CMLC purchased the land that we're discussing in this thread so that the City of Calgary could use the site as a staging area for the Green Line TBMs and then eventually redevelop it. The problem is that whatever is eventually developed on that site will have certain restrictions due to the Green Line tunnel running underneath the site and it was felt the CMLC is probably best positioned to find an innovative development partner willing to work with those restrictions.


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That's a brave site for a restaurant! that's right at the crack wall, a place I get nervous walking by in daylight. I expect a restaurant in the area will be the beginning of pressure from EV for the DIC to move out of the area.

Great insight! Thanks for bringing this up. With CMLC's track record thus far, I'm sure they will be able to line a good partner.

What's the depth of the Green Line tracks under that block?
Probably quite deep, it would have to pass under the red line there.
Yeah, it will be passing under the red line, the police station, and several over buildings there.
A new restaurant for East Village, going in across from the Drop In Centre. Curious to see how it looks, and how it does in that location. Also looks to have some additional retail as well:

Hate to say this. An urban, walk up restaurant would have a difficult time. I don't see a drive to (there is room for surface parking) and a drive thru having a hard time here. Can easily be redeveloped later.
I agree currently. However, by the time such a restaurant would be done construction, Ink, Verve, Hat, and Alt will be done or close to done construction, as will the RioCan retail podium. So that will be a lot of added people to the area.
Thank you sir.
The City of Calgary was considering several different alignments for the Green Line through the Beltline. Two of the leading contenders involved the Green Line surfacing from its underground Beltline alignment on 12th Ave SE just east of Olympic Way and either curve north to the CP tracks, impacting the Victoria Park Transit Centre or continue straight east through the community of Ramsay to link up with the CP tracks there. This would have required the demolition of several homes in Ramsay. The City was looking for a solution that would eliminate the impact of the Green Line to both Ramsay and the Victoria Park Transit Centre and eventually settled on having the Green Line swing north from 12th Ave underground to the CP tracks along 10th Ave and surface just west of 4th Street SE. In order to facilitate this option, the CMLC purchased the land that we're discussing in this thread so that the City of Calgary could use the site as a staging area for the Green Line TBMs and then eventually redevelop it. The problem is that whatever is eventually developed on that site will have certain restrictions due to the Green Line tunnel running underneath the site and it was felt the CMLC is probably best positioned to find an innovative development partner willing to work with those restrictions.
Yeah, it will be passing under the red line, the police station, and several over buildings there.
That's going to be interesting, would love to see the engineering drawings!

Hate to say this. An urban, walk up restaurant would have a difficult time. I don't see a drive to (there is room for surface parking) and a drive thru having a hard time here. Can easily be redeveloped later.
I think a restaurant without parking would do fine there, the Simons building has very limited parking and does quite well. The people across the street would be a far greater concern for most I would think.
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Interesting place to put a restaurant, but I agree with @Mountain Man it'll probably do okay, especially when the buildings currently under construction in EV are finished and have had their move ins.
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I'm just not sure, the Loblaws will help shift some movement of people west towards that site but I really feel there is a large psychological/sociological barrier between the east and west side of 4th street on the northern end as you approach Riverfront Avenue.
I'm just not sure, the Loblaws will help shift some movement of people west towards that site but I really feel there is a large psychological/sociological barrier between the east and west side of 4th street on the northern end as you approach Riverfront Avenue.
The stretch of empty lots along 4th kind of has that DMZ 'feel' I'm hoping it'll be a situation like Booker's where it survived being across from the Cecil for all those years, and the crowd at the Cecil seemed worse than folks around the drop-in centre.
I mean, as long as this place has GREAT food (like Bookers), they'll do fine, if not, very well.
I'm skeptical about the success of the restaurant, but I hope I'm proven wrong. If the restaurant doesn't pan out, at least there will be a building there and somrthing willl catch eventually.
