The Royal | 114.9m | 34s | Embassy Bosa | Abugov Kaspar

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    Votes: 23 33.8%
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    Votes: 33 48.5%
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    Votes: 9 13.2%
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    Votes: 3 4.4%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
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Asked about the pricing and 1 bedroom units on the second floor star at ~370k, while two bedrooms (~1000 sq ft) start at I believe ~460k. Goes up the higher up you go.
Hi Group,
There was a Comment a Short While back that Crapy Tire wasn't Going In. Don't Recall seeing a Confirmation about it - Yet. Did Notice on the Pictures of the Model it Says "Grocery" etc If so Who is Hoping into that Space. If such is the Case.Guess they will B competing with Co - op and Safeway.
The grocery store (Whole Foods) was confirmed long before Canadian Tire signed on. They won't be competing with anyone, as their market is geared towards the rich/ultra-rich.
The grocery store (Whole Foods) was confirmed long before Canadian Tire signed on. They won't be competing with anyone, as their market is geared towards the rich/ultra-rich.

Is there a whole foods going in there!?

Jeez, how did I miss that???
Whoops! Yeah! Sorry about that :p Whole Foods is going in at Northland, or at least that was the word a year ago.
I stopped at an Urban Fare the last time I was in Vancouver and liked it enough, I definitely prefer it to Whole Foods.
Oh, thank god! That's way more palatable.

With a whole foods, I thought I would have to start doing yoga with my cat and pay $50 for kale chips and boxed water .

Hi Group,
Got to Wonder just what Amazon Has their hands into these days. Seems ITS Everything,
Regarding the comments about Canadian Tire pulling out, I happened to speak to management of the developer last week and asked specifically if they were leaving and he didn't flat out deny it but did say "they are under a lease and at this time we fully expect Canadian Tire to proceed as expected." I would have rather had him say "Where'd you hear that? That's not true." He also said "they have the option to change the banner that they put in, but we still expect it to be Canadian Tire." Definitely some corporate speak in there. Don't expect too much inside information from me in the future, this just happened to be lucky timing. :)
Thanks for the update TB. Maybe there's hope yet. I have a feeling from the non-denial that it's something that is happening, or at least being bandied about.
