You know whats really missing on 17th ave are things like a REC Room, A movie Theatre, a place for teenagers to hang our like a pool/arcade lounge, a well known department store like Nordstrom rack, more non-drive thru fast food chains like burger king, Uniqlo or a Miniso and a fitness gym. I find these sort of tenants tend to generate a lot of foot traffic and what make Granville St. and Yonge st. much more bustling if ignore the population density. At various times of the day 17th ave looks nothing like a bustling street. There's too many bars and independent restaurants that don't drive enough foot traffic throughout the day and night. Im also surprised they haven't got one proper nightclub on 17th ave. I think as ASI needs to focus not only on the designs but also what kind of tenants they want in these places to make an actual "high street". I know I've mentioned this before but adding bright LED lights and ads can really help light up streets and make them pedestrian friendly at nighttime because some nights, 17th ave can look soulless and dark like any other regular street in the city.