The Concord | 57.30m | 17s | Concord Pacific | Arthur Erickson

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  • Great

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • Good

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • So so

    Votes: 6 14.6%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
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Hi Again,

Memo to Jonny. Your Remarks about Eau Claire Ave/2nd Ave. S.W. by 6th St and by I Believe 7th St S.W. Sounds About Right. Guess that Sign is Still There. Have to GO and take a look see next time I am DT. Didn't Know about the 5 Residential and Hotel - New to Me for Now.
A Bit of History! Where 500 Eau Claire Ave stands. It was Originally Part of a Bigger Complex of Sorts. Various Office Towers and Condo/Apt Towers to B Blt. The Depression of 82 Killed a Lot of It. The New Bldgs West of Eau Claire have been Bldt within the Last 15 Years or Sooner. NOT sure but the Lands Where the new Condo
Towers are now being Blt West of Eau Claire Market I believe were Part of the Original Eau Claire Projects Lands. Could Use Some Updates Really. Where the New
"Y" the New Sheraton Hotel and the Eau Claire Market and Others Stand Now are ALL on Land that was to B Redeveloped in the early 80s - all Killed by the 82 Depression. That Chiminey Stack by the Eau Claire Market is Where the Transit Garage were at one time,, Its now in Vic Park. Passing thoughts, If you have Ever Wondered Where the Ctrains are Operated from - all the Cameras, CTC Signals etc, Try the 2nd Floor at Vic Park Garage.

Concord Update: Only the west tower will be built after the parkade is constructed. This tower is 70% sold. No plan yet for when the east tower will be opened up for sale. I would say that with 30+ units left to sell in the west tower, the east tower is not a 'near term' build. The general contractor is targeting August 2018 occupancy of the townhome (ground level) suites. That is being optimistic in my opinion based on current progress.
That potential insider dealing is at least public. Now, the land lease for the west market square development, and westside rec, and zoning changes around commercial use at 17th Ave and 69th Street that changed around the year 2000 were the real big thing that happened before he was Mayor.
I hadn't heard the scoop about the land leases at West Market Square or 17th and 69th. Something fishy with those ones too?
So, West Market Square is city land leased to LaCaille. It was leased around the time that the city stopped the commercial centre planned for 17th Ave and 69th Street. So, if things were ordered correctly, the land was leased at a likely lower value, as there was lots of potential competition, then the city removed the competition and supported a rec centre to go in on previously privately owned land.
Concord almost at grade







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The West tower is still only 60% sold (approx. 63 of 105 units) ... after 3 years of selling! At this rate, the East tower is probably another 3 years away at least.
Thanks for your updates Da_master! Thanks also to Surrealplaces and Cyric. I'm enjoying these update photos immensely.
Above grade now. I hope they cap off the second tower in a decent fashion, if it's going to be on hold for a while.
They should just built it. It's not that big. It should be 10 times easier to sell it as a physical space than a virtual one. The people being targeted have cash in the bank. They don't want to wait 3+ years. 60 Days is often too long. If it doesn't sell, well, it's an easy write off for the Chinese billionaire.
