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Council spent 5 hours behind closed doors getting a capital projects update. The CMLC was asked to be part of the closed door update which narrows things down to BMO, Arts Commons and the Event Centre. When Council came back into chambers Farkas said what they heard was one of the most shocking updates during his time on Council and wanted to make the information public. Diane Colley-Urquhart (big pro Flames/pro arena Councillor) used a procedural trick to block Farkas' motion from being considered and then Council voted on accepting the confidential update with Farkas, Farrell, Woolley, Chahal and Gondek voting against. One of the only times Farrell and Farkas have ever agreed was over the arena deal and the Event Centre Council Committee was chaired by Jeff Davison who is rumored to be contemplating a run for mayor so it would be in Gondek's best interest to have an arena controversy become public since he would be the one wearing most of the controversy.
To me it was enough to validate the rumours on here about a cost over run but the fact the Mayor, Keating and Carra voted in favour is enough to suggest to me it's not a major over run and there's an appetite to just get the thing built and it's better to push ahead and get it done right and not value engineer all the community benefits away to hit a budget targets.
To me it was enough to validate the rumours on here about a cost over run but the fact the Mayor, Keating and Carra voted in favour is enough to suggest to me it's not a major over run and there's an appetite to just get the thing built and it's better to push ahead and get it done right and not value engineer all the community benefits away to hit a budget targets.