This is my experience also. I liked the design for the arena and ice district when it first came out, but don't like it as much now. I wasn't overly impressed after seeing the arena and the ice district in person. To be fair, I saw the area on a day when there wasn't a game happening, but it really had the cold sterile feel that others have mentioned, and it was in the middle of summer.
I think overall it's a win, as the area was pretty awful before the Ice District and arena were built, but I hope that our new arena and the area around it is developed differently. My preference would be a solid arena design with good street interaction, followed by organic development around it.
As for the arena itself, if the arena design is crazy funky cool, that's a bonus, but crazy funky cool designs can become dated quickly, I'd prefer something elegant and timeless with a great street design, and something that integrates with its surroundings.