Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

Do you support the proposal for the new arena?

  • Yes

    Votes: 106 67.9%
  • No

    Votes: 40 25.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 6.4%

  • Total voters
I will say that there renders were shown for the retail aspect of the development and we're likely going to get something like this. I gaged and said gross as soon as I saw them.



Edit: These are just conceptual at this point, they are from 2014 from when the retail strip was first proposed.
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Jesus those barn renders almost made me vommit with anger. I thought those were the renders of the arena!
I thought those renderings were from Crossiron Mills at first.
You nailed it! This looks like an outlet mall, or what a Calgary themed hotel and casino would look like in Las Vegas. I really hope they can look beyond the 10 days of Stampede per year and make this a year-round destination, rather than build a cross between the set of a John Wayne film and Rodeo (ro-day-oh) Drive. Hell, if they build this they might as well call it Rodeo (ro-dee-oh) Drive.
I really want a contemporary, modern "big city" arena. Ideally a timeless look to it, but I'd settle for a reasonably-functional-if-slightly-trying-too-hard look. My problem is the folks in the room don't inspire confidence that we won't all be back here in 30 years doing this all over again because our new stadium sucks again:
  • Calgary Flames design experience: Flames Central with giant flaming Cs covering up all the heritage elements of the Palace Theatre. Threaten to leave the city every few decades, demonstrating their commitment. They think corporate boxes and parking are cool.
  • Calgary Stampede design experience: a new cast iron cowboy project every few years + infinite experience of horrifically ugly, suburban or kitschy redevelopment schemes for their city centre site. Given their demonstrated tastes, we are fortunate that they have such a poor site utilization record for the 100 year history of Stampede Park. They think small towns, traditional values and parking are cool.
  • CMLC design experience: great, but expensive, curvy infrastructure. Library was a slam dunk and have lots of other good ideas and examples in East Village. Glad they are heavily involved.
I think only CMLC is capable of producing anything like my ideal outcome . I hope they are good facilitators and can help quash the base instinct of the other two to ruin everything. The bar shouldn't be to make it better than the Saddledome - anything we build would clear that (I would hope anyways). They should set the bar at something that will look good, fit in and contribute to it's urban context and stay functional for as long as humanly possible before we need another one.
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