Nest | 40.23m | 15s | Cairo Development | Casola Koppe

ASI has announced the start of Francesco, Truman has announced and clearly started Imperia, Sovereign is now under site prep, and Yellowstone is under excavation. Site prep is already complete for Nest, and there is no UG parking so the piles are more likely to be for the tower itself rather than shoring. So if Nest gets going it’ll be 5 during summer and 4 within a month or so,
Also 526 4th could be just around the corner. 👍
Yeah definitely, as well as 1405 4th (I think that’s the address?). Demo could start for Tower 1 any day with construction start by December at best I would guess. Still, 7 towers in 6 months would be pretty stellar.

I actually just wrote an article about the incipient highrise construction boom the other day. Just waiting for approval from the site administration to have it posted on Skyrise.
The shoring steel has been there for over a month, but yes all of this is a good sign. Tower # 5 to start during the summer 🥳

Francesco, Imperia, Yellowstone, Sovereign, and now likely Nest.
probably crosstown project by Anthem as well? i saw some equipment on that site several days ago
Have they even submitted a DP though? I don’t think they have, we would have had an update on the project page on here.
Friends, our hope hath not been in vain…

Nice! Hard to believe that until Yellowstone started, we were seriously contemplating having no highrises U/C once 4th St Lofts finish up. To suddenly have Yellowstone come out of nowhere to start up, followed by 4 more seemingly getting going within literally days of one another with La Caille also looking promising to start soon is really exciting for us urbanists!

On another note with no parking I am sure the cost savings for Nest vs other mid/highrises must be significant. I wonder if we will see a lot more of these no parking developments in downtown, Beltline and EV in the near future? It seems like a good way to tackle affordability for both developers and purchasers.
Also a very speedy way to get the product online and ready for residents. You’ve got a great point, I wonder why this isn’t being talked about more.

Excavation and building the parking garage is basically 50% of an average construction timeline.
