Brio | ?m | 12s | RioCan

Add me to that list too. I much prefer its articulation toward the streets over the other one which is a shallow podium and long rectangular tower on top. This one will help give the area a better urban feel IMO. Now if only CO-OP would get with the program and re-design their proposal.
Pics from @Alex_YYC



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I don't know exactly which building maestro is ambiguously referring to as "repulsive," but I think they both look fine. - not good, not stunning. But fine. - The brown one has some nice patterning to make it more interesting, and the purple? one ... i mean, the buildings beside it are all vibrantly coloured, what's one more? Blue would be better probs tho, i agree.
The brown one is being built. It is the one I find repulsive.

The colours, cladding and design are so awful that it doesn't make up for the better form over the previous tower on a podium.
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I am on the more ambivelent side of things on this one. I mean, it's not great, but I don't find it to be offensive. As far as suburban high-rises in Calgary go, this will be in the top 50% in the city. So, it's fine.
I am on the more ambivelent side of things on this one. I mean, it's not great, but I don't find it to be offensive. As far as suburban high-rises in Calgary go, this will be in the top 50% in the city. So, it's fine.
That's where I am too. I don't love it, but I don't hate it. It's nice to have a mix of colors....even though the city has plenty of brown and beige, this location has lots of color right now.
The Coop redevelopment will offer more neutral/regular looking style (blue glass, silver aluminum, etc), so I'm fine with this being another colour.
That's where I am too. I don't love it, but I don't hate it. It's nice to have a mix of colors....even though the city has plenty of brown and beige, this location has lots of color right now.

The colours are actually closer to grey, white and black with a little red than beige and brown. It isn't really the colours that find off putting. It's how they are used in the facade design. The stair tower and the odd penthouse setback on the corner are other things that make no sense or I find unattractive if you're interest. all these decisions comes together as an attempt to either break up the mass or make it look more luxurious. In actuality, it just makes it look cheaper than if they went simple. (the previous design or the existing towers vs Lumina by Chinook)
