Roaring Flames
Senior Member
The unfortunate thing is that if the Big 4 gets demoed it's likely that Weadickville goes along with it in order to build a new hotel. That would remove one of the last bits of actual green space left in Stampede Park
That and the godawful GMC Stadium. What a dumpy looking place. At least reclad the outside or something. Looks straight out of 1973Big 4, one of the most hideous buildings in the inner city. Needs to go.
If the Big 4 gets in the way, we'll try another method
It's a bit bizarre to me that there doesn’t appear to be any tree boxes installed as the street curves east. The Stampede grounds is already a barren concrete wasteland, I would have thought for sure they would want to line the entire 17th Ave extension with trees and not just a short portion of it.
It's a bit bizarre to me that there doesn’t appear to be any tree boxes installed as the street curves east. The Stampede grounds is already a barren concrete wasteland, I would have thought for sure they would want to line the entire 17th Ave extension with trees and not just a short portion of it.
Here is the plan, albeit outdated from before the design was finalized:
This is a rendering that came with the BMO Design Unveil, which may be more accurate