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Calgary Bike Lanes and Bike Paths

I don't mind the plan for second. They are still going with the protected bike lanes, but having them on both sides of 2nd which is nice. I prefer that to having both directions of bike lanes on one side of the street.
My main concern is the bike lane widths. BC's Active Transportation Design Guide calls for a "constrained limit" of 1.8m and an "absolute minimum width" of 1.5m for uni-directional protected lanes. Most of the proposed 2nd St. lanes are 1.25m width. They could've at least reduced the travel lanes to 3.0m to give some extra width. On the west side where vehicles will be parking next to the barrier curb there is still going to be a risk of "dooring".
The 1.25m width is pretty slim. 'Dooring' is an issue even with wider lanes, so 1.25m could definitely be an issue. Given how slow the traffic is and how little traffic there is on that road 3m width for cars would have been fine.
The real dumb thing is another win for the traffic engineer proposing a full intersection at 2nd & 13th. All this will do is slow pedestrians (those who are silly enough to not jaywalk on a low-traffic road). Exact opposite of the treatment that a non-main street, primary pedestrian corridor, high-density neighbourhood intersection should have.

Other recent dumb things in city centre roads construction:
  • MacLeod Trail triple right-turn lane onto 5th Ave, removal of crosswalk.
  • Removal of pedestrian blinker cross for fully controlled intersection at 4th Street & 8th Avenue SE to slow pedestrians crossing to the new, parking-free library
I love the bike improvements, but sometimes it seems like we can't build even the simplest pedestrian improvement without give car users a side benefit. Many things are coached in language of improving "safety" for pedestrians, while actually slowing them down and promoting a creeping car-orientation on even the most urban of streets.
Not sure what you talking about when it comes to the triple right turn on Macleod? Traffic flows so much better now. There are still crosswalks in all four sides. The only thing that has changed is that the right turn traffic goes before the pedestrian traffic. Please explain what you don’t like about it?
Not sure what you talking about when it comes to the triple right turn on Macleod? Traffic flows so much better now. There are still crosswalks in all four sides. The only thing that has changed is that the right turn traffic goes before the pedestrian traffic. Please explain what you don’t like about it?
There is no cross walk on the east side anymore as a result of 3 turns being installed.
The cross walk was there yesterday as well. It has been maintained. One slight disadvantage to pedestrians would be a longer wait time, to permit the advanced right turn phase of the signal.
Ah ok thanks for clarifying - it wasn't there when I went through a few times over the past month. Must have between between the signal opening and the painting of the crosswalk back. Long phase advanced greens can also be an issue but at least the requirement to cross 3 roads isn't introduced.
East Village and 12 Avenue projects make up bulk of work in downtown core

Sean Chu's response.
Looks like the remainder of the 12 Ave SW cycle track through Sunalta is going ahead next spring. Final design info session is on Dec. 11.

It will be interesting to see how many cyclists from the NW decide to use this route into the Beltline instead of going through Downtown.
I'll try this a few times to see if it is faster than snaking through downtown to get to the river for sure.
I take the River Pathway to 11st, to 12 Ave. I think they should improve the existing bike lanes on 11th prior to adding onto 12th, I've almost been hit by a car about 20x there.
So this motion passed, with included $5.5 Mill for active mobility in the Barley Belt (hopefully 42 ave) and other priority pathway connections. However, that is extremely vauge, would someone be able to educate me on what would be the City's next steps and/or where I can get more information now that the motion has passed?

Thank you!
Hi All,
With the recent budget cuts, any idea of this is still on?
