K dude my point wasn't to trigger you, but I don't need to go attend every school to know UofC or Uofa don't stack up to any of the other schools I mentioned for campus life. What do you want me to do? carry out a poll or survey? even that would have a bias. This a purely subjective thing where you can't carry out a scientific experiment to result in a definite conclusion. It's an opinion and I'm going off of well-trusted friends that have attended UofC or UofA and went on to other grad schools so I'm more than happy to give them the benefit of doubt.
And btw, I have been to UoA, multiple times to visit my good friend during our undergrad and I've gone to UBC a few times for the beach before the lockdown hit as my company has got me working out in Vancouver on contract. There's a considerable amount of difference between UofA and UBC. I can't speak for the extra-circular activities if you think taking someone else's opinion isn't valid for a claim like this but how does UofA even compete on paper? Just for starters, UBC Vancouver has 16k+ more students than UofA, isolated away from the city by a dense forest and along with a kick a** beach. It acts like a small town in itself. When I visited it was hella busy, more so than any of the times I can remember visiting UoA.
Now that you mentioned Reddit (which I wasn't even going to source until you pointed it out, BTW GME to the Moon
), their opinions are leaning in the same direction. It's an opinion and seems the majority are leaning in one way. I think if 18-year-olds are resorting to Reddit to narrow down their school choices then obviously UofA isn't going to attract many teens based on campus life. Come to think of it when I was 18, stupid, and applying for schools I visited plenty of Reddit forums as well. The only reason I ended up picking UoC at the time was that I would graduate debt-free living with my parents. Although those Reddit posts were pretty persuasive to the 18-year-old me. But anyway, I guess I'll refrain from making any more opinionated statements without sound evidence, even if multiple, well-trusted people around me are saying the same thing, I guess I'll just shrug it off as correlation.