This is just simply not true. The idea that conservative (PC/UCP) provincial governments spend less and get more is something that is spun and eaten up. That is because it's what is expected from conservatives (good for the economy, good for my bank account); while you expect the opposite from the NDP (bad for the economy, bad for my bank account). Unfortunately, most people don't look or think past this perception.
I've never seen more wasted spending by a provincial government than the UCP (paid to get out of oil-by-rail, Keystone XL, War Room, Kananaskis Park Pass, Best Summer Ever campaign, funding private and charter schools over public schools, suing the federal government, paying friends to maybe; someday, clean up oil wells, buying children's medicine without thinking about it, studying a provincial police force (that no one is asking for), studying a provincial pension (that no one is asking for)), and I could go on.
So, even though I believe your point is incorrect, if the choice I have is spending on services or that ^. I'll take billions going to a 'over-funded' public service.