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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

When in the previous downturns did we have nearly 15 000 000 sqft of empty office space?
no idea, but it seems like many people think they can predict the future. Much like they predicted housing prices to collapse because of Covid..... I'm always skeptical of future predictions when they are based on the notion of "this time its different" as that tends to not be the case. Maybe i'm just an optimist 🤷‍♀️
Looks like ENMAX is going to replace Substation No.1
Nice. Replacing an existing parking lot by the looks of the rendering:

Going here:
Silvera for Seniors is redesignating their large, under-developed parcel in Bridgeland, to the east of the current bridges site. The land is seen here in google maps:

Here is the land use application:
They have an engagement website hp:

Some of the concept images here (keep in mind this is only land use, so these are truly just concepts at this stage):





Re: Balmoral Circus, very nice. I think I'd prefer option 2, with the gardens.

Re: the new Jemm Shagnappi proposal.... meh 🤷‍♂️ It's very basic and just... meh. At least it's density near a station.

6 storeys, 25 meters


What a boring beauty. TOD as it's meant to be - affordable for the area, forgettable and actually happening.
Pretty much. Nothing special, but for the most part it checks off the boxes, and is a building block to a greater win. A bunch of building blocks no matter how boring does equal a win overall IMO.
