New proposals routinely surface in Calgary, and most are either residential, office, retail, or some combination of the three, but a recently unveiled proposal for the northwest neighborhood of Varsity is a notable departure from the norm.
The proposed 'Varsity Multi Service Redevelopment' as it's currently dubbed, is a mixed use proposal that incorporates residential, in the form of a 44 unit affordable residential housing project, retail with the incorporation of a commercial retail bay, and office use, with the incorporation of office space to be used by the City of Calgary Calgary. That's not all however. The development proposal also includes use as a Fire Department/EMS station, a household hazardous waste drop-off location, and a child care facility.
This is a unique approach not often seen with typical proposals, and is seen as a way for the city to make more efficient use of its land. The city needs all of those uses, so why not combine them into one project on one parcel of land. The city has done something similar to this when they incorporated a fire station on 4th ave SW into an affordable housing project, but the City of Calgary has taken it one step further by incorporating city used office space, the child care facility and the household hazardous waste drop-off.
The proposal is still in early stages but from the rendering we can see that the design has 4 floors of residential sitting atop a two level podium, with offices, child care, and Fire Department use below. Ambulance and Fire Truck service is at ground level access off of 37th street NW.
With more activity yet to come for This project, SkyriseCalgary will be sure to return to the project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file, for photo updates and discussion checkout the Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.