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Weather and Gardening Discussion

Blossoms 👍
Damn, nice forecast. It's so tempting to plant my garden, but it's still a bit too early. I've been burned before by hot weather in early/mid May, only to be followed up with a snowstorm or something.

I'll wait another week, and if the 14 day forecast looks good then, then I'll plant.

I planted my pots on Thursday. Coulda easily planted them 2 weeks ago and they woulda been fine. I’m not worried in the slightest.
The forecast low tonight is set for 16°… that’s gotta be some kind of record. We’re only halfway through friggin MAY!! It’s like friggin July! And an above average July at that. Our monthly average high so far is higher than the June average by 0.8°, and if the forecast comes to pass, it will exceed that of an average July (23.2°, our warmest month). The next two weeks is set between 19° (only one day) and 30° (two days).

Edit: I’m in the shade, in shorts and a tank top, and it’s bloody hot. The shade! In May!
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I think this is the worst smoke I’ve ever seen. The sun is completely gone. Less than 1.4 km between me and The Bow here.

8:15, 9:10, 10:10… no edits.

