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Weather and Gardening Discussion

Yeah it’s pretty amazing. My next rotation off work - Saturday through Tuesday - is all between 12 and 19. Amazing. We’ve friggin earned it after the longest winter in decades and one of the snowiest in a century.
So tempted to put on my summer tires on Good Friday. Pretty sure I am going to do it, looking at the long range forecast. IF there is one more dump, it won't stick to the ground if those temperatures persist.
The forecast is now showing 21C for Sunday :cool: and of course this is Calgary....there's no chance will get a freak winter storm in April.
Tomato plants off to a good start. 100% natural light this year. 👍
The smaller ones in behind are peppers.
This is around the time of year where my balcony roof prevents the direct light getting indoors 🤣 but I have a bunch of wildflowers started. It’s gonna be a beautiful season.
Wow we blew right through that muthacluckin forecast eh? High of 14 becomes 17 with two hours of daytime heating yet to go 🥰
This guy is prototyping a sweeper bicycle trailer... I wouldn't mind picking this up and going around with it every spring 😂
