Senior Member
Yeah that’s true. That’s why I’m excited about yesterday’s rain and the incoming storm from tonight to Wednesday morning. Much needed. Though, the forecast totals keep diminishing.
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I think this is a really informative graph from the link to see one of the most notable trends, the increased night-time temperatures particularly in the summer:4th hottest summer on record so far. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/fourth-hottest-summer-calgary-1.6566686
I was so pumped when my house was only 16.5°C the one morning. Being stuck on a roof working on commercial a/c in this sucks! I can’t wait for highs below 20°I'm totally used to the heat too, those couple rainy days last weekend were tough! I almost caved and turned on the furnace!
I don't know the stats on year total, but over on the subreddit r/CalgaryWxRecords/ they had this posted the other day:What are the stats on the number of days above 10° C? Both consecutive and year total. We’ve gotta be close to both records.