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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

They didn't want to compromise it seems, so the chance for dialog goes away. If they had been willing to 'trade' away their two Centre St curb cuts, and pushed their development to the corner, I bet they'd have even been allowed to keep a drive up window. But no compromise by the applicant leads to no compromise by the city.

Plus the file manager feeling a little empowered to not compromise due to a 'strong rejection' comment from the local councillor.
That is what i assumed about the landowner, they would've been advised it is unwise to proceed with that site configuration but were completely unwilling to listen or receive feedback.
This is really blowing up on twitter. Once again, I'm really angered by the fact that all the information seems to be coming from the Corbella column. Everyone seems to be organizing themselves in to the familiar camps: conservatives standing up for the liberties of small business owners versus liberals appealing to the greater social good. And, since @Sambo brought it up earlier, the Calgary socialists on twitter actually seem to be in support of the DQ on the grounds that pushing it out would contribute to gentrification.

There seems to be no room for hashing out the actual details of this particular case. I don't even know what the current zoning laws say about rebuilding in exactly the same way.
Man, out of all this back and forth, I'm sitting here thinking when was the last time I heard someone say "hey let's go get DQ." 😆 Guess I gotta go to DQ now, apparently, it's the talk of the town again.
Man, out of all this back and forth, I'm sitting here thinking when was the last time I heard someone say "hey let's go get DQ." 😆 Guess I gotta go to DQ now, apparently, it's the talk of the town again.
I tried to go to this exact DQ about a month ago, a blizzard is still a very tasty treat! lol
This is really blowing up on twitter. Once again, I'm really angered by the fact that all the information seems to be coming from the Corbella column. Everyone seems to be organizing themselves in to the familiar camps: conservatives standing up for the liberties of small business owners versus liberals appealing to the greater social good. And, since @Sambo brought it up earlier, the Calgary socialists on twitter actually seem to be in support of the DQ on the grounds that pushing it out would contribute to gentrification.

There seems to be no room for hashing out the actual details of this particular case. I don't even know what the current zoning laws say about rebuilding in exactly the same way.
Agreed, it's a lot of yelling via the keyboard. I've seen the toxic battles on Twitter and Reddit, and decided I don't need the headache of getting involved in those discussions lol. I totally get why most people would be angry at the city and feel bad for the DQ people. At the same time, it's a unique situation, and if the city is going to push these TOD/Mainstreet initiatives, there will be instances like this. Not often, but it will happen from time to time.

I more or less side with the city on this one, but only from a logical perspective. It makes sense not to repeat mistakes of having drive thrus in areas that the city is hoping to develop into a TOD or pedestrian friendly corridor in the future. It's been said by many that if it was a new ask, the city should have no problem denying it. In a way this is sort of a new build, but unfortunately it involves the livelihood of some business owners who are caught in the middle. Because of the situation, I'm okay with a compromise from the city. Either compensate them, buy them out or offer a time limit on the drive thru, something that can be a win for all parties.
Really. Do you own a business? We should bankrupt this family? So , every business that burns down that doesn’t meet your future vision should be terminated? The socialism on this forum is outrageous.
They don’t even own the land. They could take the insurance money and build somewhere else. Don’t be so dramatic with your response. It’s just a DQ. The world will be ok without it at that location. Maybe they can build it into something bigger?
I appreciate the tough position the City is in in this situation, but I can't help but wonder, what if it had been Peters' Drive-In that had burned down, and not a DQ. I'm definitely sympathetic to the business owners. Hopefully they can find some resolution, particularly with their insurance company. I think the City's decision may ultimately benefit the landowner (or at least the landowner's daughter since the landowner may never see this property redeveloped in their lifetime) because I can't imagine how the highest and best use of this property is a drive through restaurant.

Also, my understanding is that the Centre Street N Main Streets Project is tied to the Green Line, but I'm curious if anyone knows whether funding for the Centre Street N Main Streets Project comes from the general Main Streets Program funding, or from the Green Line Project funding. Given the current uncertainty with the Green Line, if the funding comes from the general Main Streets Program funding, I'd like to see that funding directed to some of the other Main Streets Projects instead. I'd also like to see some of the City's recent surplus put towards Main Streets.
I appreciate the tough position the City is in in this situation, but I can't help but wonder, what if it had been Peters' Drive-In that had burned down, and not a DQ. I'm definitely sympathetic to the business owners. Hopefully they can find some resolution, particularly with their insurance company. I think the City's decision may ultimately benefit the landowner (or at least the landowner's daughter since the landowner may never see this property redeveloped in their lifetime) because I can't imagine how the highest and best use of this property is a drive through restaurant.

Also, my understanding is that the Centre Street N Main Streets Project is tied to the Green Line, but I'm curious if anyone knows whether funding for the Centre Street N Main Streets Project comes from the general Main Streets Program funding, or from the Green Line Project funding. Given the current uncertainty with the Green Line, if the funding comes from the general Main Streets Program funding, I'd like to see that funding directed to some of the other Main Streets Projects instead. I'd also like to see some of the City's recent surplus put towards Main Streets.
Unfortunately, I think the correct response to this post is, what funding?.....

Main Streets almost got cut in the last budget, but a huge effort organized by a passionate group of people made Council put in about $70 million back into the fund I think. That money is going towards the construction of Montgomery, Marda Loop and 37th Street/West 17th Avenue I believe. Not sure how much money is left to do any detailed designs of other main streets, let alone fund the construction.

I will note that 16th Ave NW through Montgomery is getting a streetscape design done through the transportation budget, as part of an overall corridor study. Input still being accepted here:

Hmm.. finishing my post off, I see on the engage website they are doing a design for 1st Ave NE in Bridgeland, so maybe there is some funding for more designs on other Main Streets? I thought the program was cut pretty thin.
Has anyone else seen this fundraiser to build a 3-on-3 basketball court in Murdoch Park?
This is really cool. We need more urban basketball courts, every time I walk past a rim with a net and a full backboard it's being used.

However, those 3-point lines are way too close together. Needs another 4-5m of diameter so two converging loose balls don't lead to a nasty collision.
