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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

didnt know where to put this, its the gulf canada plus 15. hadnt noticed the lights before.

Yeah the GCS +15 has been done, open, with lights on for over a year. Always nice to see pics though.
A new multi-family building on the west side of town in Springbank Hill is going to CPC next week. Located on the east side of 85th Street, just south of the future 19th avenue. The location is highlighted in the background and planning evaluation:

DP drawings here:

Renderings here:


Another one going to CPC next week is the land use redesignation for the McDonalds on 17th Ave SW. They want a direct control bylaw, that enshrines the drivethrough access to 17th Avenue. Administration is recommending refusal:

While this is just land use, the applicant submission has some renderings of what the redeveloped McDonalds would look like:


1611973353530.png Midfield Heights land use design set to go before council this spring.
The land use and outline plan for the Midfield Heights development are going to CPC next week:
Applicant submission has some massing diagrams:




Another one going to CPC next week is the land use redesignation for the McDonalds on 17th Ave SW. They want a direct control bylaw, that enshrines the drivethrough access to 17th Avenue. Administration is recommending refusal:

While this is just land use, the applicant submission has some renderings of what the redeveloped McDonalds would look like:
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View attachment 297011
View attachment 297012

Reading the comments from the's almost as if there's some common sense happening at city hall. ;-)

Administration’s recommendation for refusal is based on the following:

1. Support for a drive through use along a Neighbourhood Main Street contradicts the City’s current policies. The proposal does not comply with the applicable rules and policies of the Land Use Bylaw, MDP, CCP or the Beltline ARP. The proposed application would severely limit the site’s potential to achieve a walkable, pedestrian focused retail and residential experience through redevelopment of the site if a drive through should be redeveloped on the site. The proposed application is in contravention of the following:  Beltline ARP, Policy 4.3.2.i, states that no new drive through facilities are permitted in Urban Mixed-Use Areas;  CCP, Policy 4.2.12, recognizes the impact that noise has on residential liveability and consider measures to minimize the impact;  MDP, Policy 3.4.3.g, states that auto-oriented uses and designs that generate high volumes of traffic, consume large amounts of land in a low-density form, require extensive surface parking, drive throughs or create negative impacts for pedestrian travel and access should be discouraged; and  Land Use Bylaw, the proposed base district of CC-COR is intended to have storefronts along a continuous block face.

2. The proposal does not meet the intent of the base district (CC-COR District) which is characterized by storefronts along a continuous block face and a drive through on this site may require significant relaxations due to its proximity to a multi-residential district.

3. The subject site is located on 17 Avenue SW, one of Calgary’s Neighbourhood Main streets, and proposed developments should complement the pedestrian realm.
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Another one going to CPC next week is the land use redesignation for the McDonalds on 17th Ave SW. They want a direct control bylaw, that enshrines the drivethrough access to 17th Avenue. Administration is recommending refusal:

hate to be that guy but the dream is dying..
