Another Inglewood one with a bit more information. The rezoning application was made in 2018:
An open house was held in late January, with information here:
View attachment 174689
View attachment 174690
From the Inglwood CA newsletter:
The specs of this Hungerford Properties proposal are:
5 units of retail, 140 residential units, start at 6 storeys in
the east (brick face), 9 storeys (set back cement face) to 11
storeys (37.5 m. (123’), steel face in the west),
Regulation height is 31 m. in the disputed May draft ARP,
supposedly able to build higher through a heritage density
transfer from the Apothecary, which they own;
designed for young people and empty nesters with 20%
studio, 35% 1 bdrm., 20% 1 bdrm. + den, 25% 2 bdrm.,
120 parking stalls, 7 commercial stalls and
5 FAR with 1 FAR coming from heritage transfer.