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Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

From the budget document... This probably isn't the right place for all this but anyhow it is infrastructure.

What isn't happening is also interesting. Nothing for Arts Commons, I suspected that the pivot to better services would mean an Arts Commons delay.
I noticed the same, is that for the modernization of the existing Arts Commons? The new building that was just approved at Planning is unrelated?

The modernization is the second phase for the Arts Commons Transformation projection. The new building is the first phase ($270M) and is fully funded.

Saw that coming after the summer we had. 1.5 Billion on water is well spent, increasing fees sucks. Everything just keeps going up, definitely time for the city to get back to basics and avoiding anything fancy. The fieldhouse and Arts Commons should probably be pushed off.
If I read it right, they're not even bothering to request money for the next design phase. Which would be $18,859,000 in 2025-26?
It could be with the second phase still needing over $150M even after the recent large private donation, the design could be pushed out since they wouldn't be able to start construction on it for many years.

The donation made by Werklund brought the total financial contributions made towards ACT to $498.5 million out of a total of $660 million goal.

Previous funding included $315.5 million from the City of Calgary, and $103 million from the Government of Alberta.

Very tragic incident on Elbow. What I don’t understand is why that pedestrian sign is 20m from the actual crosswalk. I can see the argument for warning drivers early but then there should be at least another sign at the actual crosswalk. Drivers may think they’ve passed the pedestrian sign and didn’t see the person crossing. Obviously drivers need to be more careful but our infrastructure needs to be better. Going back on street view, this sign situation has been there since 2009!

Very tragic incident on Elbow. What I don’t understand is why that pedestrian sign is 20m from the actual crosswalk. I can see the argument for warning drivers early but then there should be at least another sign at the actual crosswalk. Drivers may think they’ve passed the pedestrian sign and didn’t see the person crossing.
It's because the parking lot ramp flare-out is deemed a more important technical requirement to the right-of-way than a pedestrian warning sign.

The rationale is that cars should be able to enter the roadway at speed, with no risks to hit poles or have to do a 90 degree turn slowly. Drivers are incapable of such spatial awareness and tight right turns so we must remove any possibilities of collisions.

Can't have a sign here - it might kill someone!


In case it wasn't obvious my feelings - this is exactly the type of outcome that our perverse system creates and then wrings it's hands of. How could our street design be at fault if we did everything by the book? Whether or not another sign would have been enough to prevent this tragedy who knows... but your observation of why there is no sign is a good one to make to reflect the bigger design issues at work with how we build our streets.
Oh man, that crosswalk. No way I would ever cross there. When I'm on the bike with my kid we always use Malibou Rd or Bel-Aire Dr.

I think the only reason that crosswalk is there in the first place is because of the church, and the assumption that people are going to cross at the closest intersection to get to it. I hope the city is going to finally change it to a rapid flashing one - even if it is unfortunately too late for that pedestrian.
Oh man, that crosswalk. No way I would ever cross there. When I'm on the bike with my kid we always use Malibou Rd or Bel-Aire Dr.

I think the only reason that crosswalk is there in the first place is because of the church, and the assumption that people are going to cross at the closest intersection to get to it. I hope the city is going to finally change it to a rapid flashing one - even if it is unfortunately too late for that pedestrian.
Is there a reason why not all crosswalks are flashing? In my community, we advocate for them but it takes months if not years to get each intersection installed, usually only after some accident or near misses and repeated complaints. Is it a cost thing? can't they be battery/solar powered if the electrical wiring is driving up costs?
Is there a reason why not all crosswalks are flashing? In my community, we advocate for them but it takes months if not years to get each intersection installed, usually only after some accident or near misses and repeated complaints. Is it a cost thing? can't they be battery/solar powered if the electrical wiring is driving up costs?
Because of $$$. I believe it’s around $100,000 per crosswalk. Believe there are 30,000+ crosswalks in Calgary. What would fix this issue the most is if drivers and pedestrians pay attention more. I’m on the road everyday for work and I see people just walk across roads without even looking. Assuming the drivers are always looking out for them.
Because of $$$. I believe it’s around $100,000 per crosswalk. Believe there are 30,000+ crosswalks in Calgary. What would fix this issue the most is if drivers and pedestrians pay attention more. I’m on the road everyday for work and I see people just walk across roads without even looking. Assuming the drivers are always looking out for them.
I mean there’s reasons beyond personal responsibility that some intersections have more deaths than others. Intersections can be designed in such a way that they’re dangerous even if you’re paying attention.
I mean there’s reasons beyond personal responsibility that some intersections have more deaths than others. Intersections can be designed in such a way that they’re dangerous even if you’re paying attention.
I think the most practical solution would be to put big steel bollards to delineate every single lane at each intersection. It's such a brilliant and effective solution to ensure cyclists don't huck their meat bags into intersections that shirley it would scale to vehicles!
