I had heard it was called the Weaselhead becuase the shape of the river streams looked like a weasel's head from above, but I guess that one's an urban myth. I double checked Google earth, and it doesn't like anything like a weasel head, so I'm going with the story about the con man. If the story comes from the Tsuut’ina themselves, that's the one I'm going with.Speaking of the Weaslehead. Not sure if this is the right thread, but I researched the history of the Weaselhead name, looking for the man that the area was named after and understanding how his name became attached to the Elbow River valley:
Finding Weaselhead
The Weaselhead Flats park is a 593.5 acre area of the Elbow River valley upstream of the Glenmore Reservoir in Southwest Calgary. The first recorded mention of the name ‘Weaselhead’ i…calgaryringroad.wordpress.com
I thought the con man story had a little more intrigue to it lol. Nice to know the full story though. Thanks for the background story on this.I thought the same for a long time. But the more research I did, especially from a variety of sources including Nation members and recounting of earlier Nation histories, my mind changed.
I’ll also say that the Nation isn’t a single entity. Tsuut’ina Elder Bruce Starlight told me that the con-man story isn’t true, and that Weazel Head was a Tsuut’ina man who camped along the Priddis trail in the Elbow valley, which is supported by other sources. Even a man who actually knew Weazel Head, Running In The Middle, told the story of the name in the 1930s when the land was sold to the City.
Your right. Oh wait I forgot about the $4.6 Billion for the green line. $200 hundred million+ for the BRT’s... we spend so much money on alternative transportation modes in this city. Also car users pay for these with the Carbon Tax. I wish transit users paid more for there services as well. A surcharge on transit to pay for capital projects might help build more. Car users pay for our roads with gas taxes, vehicle registration fees etc.This is so ridiculous. Imagine if we directed all these billions of dollars toward improving the accessibility, reliability, and ease of alternative modes of transportation rather than this endless treadmill of car-dependent sprawl, induced demand, and playing wack-a-mole with traffic bottlenecks (fix one, end up creating several more elsewhere in the system).
Your subsidized, line jumping, chauffeured pollution boxes don’t have AC or heat?Yeah, we feel so bad for you guys in your climate controlled, environmentally polluting moving boxes. It must be so difficult sitting there waiting in your heated/air conditioned box for traffic while everyone else is taking transit, walking and biking. Must be such a hassle??