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The pic didn't show up for me, anxious to see what it looks like when I'm downtown tonight though :)
I walked passed the downtown Marriott for the first time in a few months, looks like they're seriously gutting the lobby and front entrance. Sorry no pics. There wasn't much to to take a picture of anyway, just white tarp and chain-link fencing. Does anyone know what the plan looks like?
I haven't seen the plan, but I'm not surprised they are doing a reno. It's stuck in the era where it's not old enough to be cool, (Elveden Centre), or new enough to still be modern (Hyatt or Sheraton Suites).
I've never been inside of it. What I'd like to see done is the driveway removed and the entrance brought up to the street. I know it is asking for too much. The building's exterior is clean and functional. It doesn't bother me. There's more chances of them screwing it up if they touch it.
I agree - the bottom portion and the street integration can use an upgrade, however I don't mind the tower itself.

What downtown hotel is truly in dire need of a complete building reclad is the Hyatt down the street. One of the worst eyesores for its location in the city IMO. The scope of that overhaul to actually make it better would be very significant and costly unfortunately, doubt Hyatt would feel the need to spring for it. Plenty of opportunity to make it worse as well if they went cheap.
I don't mind the interior of the Hyatt. Those high ceilings are quite something. But having gone and taken a look at it on street view just now, you're right about the exterior. It's clean, but it's really starting to look a decade old and the doors are small and often obstructed. Their loading dock also really doesn't help matters. There probably isn't much that they can do though. Maybe the answer is to make more of their 8th Ave. entrance?

I also think that intersection is generally terrible as it stands. Sky is still quite a ways from blowing everything else out of the water. The Palomino is magical, but the parking lot next door is most definitely not. Then there's the Bow Tower II Strategic Gravel Pit Protection Area, which I think can most charitably be referred to as the best place to get a wood splinter in downtown Calgary.

***gazes wistfully out office window***

If only Amazon could come to Calgary and build something amazing there...
So are there any plans to finish recladding the base/parkade of that former green painted apartment? The top part looks much better but the green base is horrible. Hopefully they re paint it at least.
The facade or Pancanadian or Encana Place or apparently the Edison now looks totally finished. It looks nice as anticipated, but does nothing about the beige monstrosity above it, as anticipated. +Bonus view of Sky.



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Kinda sorta a reclad, so I am bumping this thread. Boardwalk appears to be doing some upgrades to the O'Neill Tower on 9th Street and 7th Ave SW. Maintenance work on the pool deck (and adding some trees), repainting the above ground parkade a nice clean white (in progress). All of this after redoing/upgrading the ground floor of the tower with new cladding and storefronts. I don't know if they are going to paint the tower too, but I hope so. I get a lot of grey/beige/brownish grey out my window when I look in that direction. Apologies for the less than stellar photo through a dirty window.
Technically, not a brutalist building, as the concrete pieces are panels attached onto the building, but I agree it was better left as it was (unless there were issues with the panels)
The reclad looks like crap IMO. There's a render a couple of pages back.
I just saw the rendering and I would say that "crap" is a generous description.
The only good brutalist building is a former brutalist building. This reclad is a massive improvement. Still liked the original reclad proposal better, which was a rather generic glass box.

The old CBE site has always been a blight on one of the more depressing parts of dt. It needs to go along with the old separate school and YWCA buildings.
No re-clad is going to look good on Palliser One unless they spend some money, and clearly they aren't. It's unfortunate that the massing is extremely plain, the options of doing a reclad inexpensively that also looks good is slim to none. Doing what they did with Mackimmie would look great obviously, but would cost a fortune.
