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General Construction Updates

I'm not convinced that this is a bad proposal at all. Most of our Downtown's towers are more or less the same scale and blockiness.

And the only blocks downtown that have any life are the blocks that aren't like that
Bankers Hall fronts onto Stephen Ave and nobody complains about that?

And that frontage is one of the least active parts of Stephen Avenue.
Checked out the new enclosed patio at the coffee shop in Elizabeth Square. Quite cozy with the heaters going.

People love to throw around the words "game changer" around here. I think the work Leonard Development Group are doing in Marda Loop is an actual game changer and they are bringing real life into the neighbourhood.

That drawing is from 2022 - it's a version of the Stephen Avenue Quarter project that is long dead.
Surely the boards on 7th show they're looking to move on it sometime soon? Interest rates are going down though so no incentive to do it quick > do it right.
Maybe we'll see them come back with a 300+, given it sounds they were ready for a 282. Hopefully with a better podium, and better usage of the 7 Ave space.
And the only blocks downtown that have any life are the blocks that aren't like that

And that frontage is one of the least active parts of Stephen Avenue.
That frontage is one of the least active because of Bankers Hall looming over it, it's pretty much always in the shade.


You guys are totally allowed to have personal aesthetic opinions and all, but I would hope they come along with more intellectual honesty.

"We need to design a street interface that is both active and sensitive to the heritage architecture of the area, through a well-designed podium with CRUs and an articulated street presence" is a reasonable opinion, one that I would and do wholeheartedly fight behind.

"Big building = oppressive feelings and shadow = bad" is just a non-starter baseless claim.

Might the relative 'death' of blocks in Downtown Calgary have something to do with the road width instead? Signal timing? Street furniture? Maybe the lack of businesses at-grade? I literally don't know, these are all speculations for which I have no substantiating data.

I'm just frustrated recently that we apparently struggle to advocate *for* things. Instead, pulling from vibes-based grab-bags to oppose things. I'm seeing the same rhetoric with the proposed Green Line viaduct, with Glenmore Landing, and so on. I want Calgarians to get what they want, but the powers that be won't listen if we don't actually know what we want, or give a damn about the way we communicate it.

/pedantic rant
Checked out the new enclosed patio at the coffee shop in Elizabeth Square. Quite cozy with the heaters going.

People love to throw around the words "game changer" around here. I think the work Leonard Development Group are doing in Marda Loop is an actual game changer and they are bringing real life into the neighbourhood.

View attachment 620243
Speaking of Leonard Development Group, they are in for DP for their next one in Marda Loop:
I dont think I can agree with you more on that statement. This is a fact.

The commentary regarding the proposal made it sound like there was a federal penitentiarywas being constructed on Stephan Ave
I disagree with your "fact" but think what you want lol.
The mixed use storage facility in Seton is finally starting to build around the elevator cores.


The final section of the ‘entertainment district’ next to the theatre has a new building going up that I can’t figure out. Was expecting steel as it was supposed to have retail. These precast cement walls look commercial. I hope it’s not a carwash. Would be a terrible addition to the theatre complex section. Not very entertaining.

