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General Construction Updates

Everyone remember the building on 6th Ave and 7th Street downtown that had part of the wall collapse? Here:,-114.0786295,3a,75y,143.32h,91.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQYKe6iAyuFwo1itCZt-cKA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

Looks like Genco is in the initial stages of planning a residential project for that site. No permits in yet, and their website just has some initial renderings of the ground floor by the looks of things. I imagine they want to be further along with their 11th Ave Myriad project before they move more on this one:

You mean the one that the Kool Aid guy was responsible for? (Sorry, couldn't resist re-posting this)

That is a stunning view. I love the view of downtown from the municipal building :) Welcome to SRC, Fisher. I remember you from SSP, I left for the same reasons. We don't see as much daily action as far as discussion goes here, but discussion is pretty much always on topic here, very unlike SSP, and we get way more frequent updates here than SSP does.
My favourite angle of BP is from the SE (mostly east) or the NW (mostly west). It has the perfect symmetry IMO.
So there are some interesting items on next week's Planning Commission agenda. I really don't like how they now format posting the agenda, because you can no longer go directly to the individual items, so here is a link to the overall agenda, and I will list what I think are interesting items below:

- Not necessarily skyscraper related, but a new suburban community in the deep south of the City. Outline Plan can be seen on page 151.
- City Centre Tower 2: Item starts on page 233, but renderings/DP drawings start on page 247.
- Gablecraft's 13th Avenue highrise project: Item starts on page 329 (east tower) with DP drawings on page 343. West tower item starts on page 395, DP drawings on page 410.
City Center Tower 2 is alive??

Wonder with the recent hotel starts of the Marriot and Alt, as well as the completion of the Hilton have pushed the start of CC 2 to get going.

(Welcome Fisher - glad to see you've made the jump)
