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General Construction Updates

It is Vetro. The one way street is 1st Street SE, and in the background you can see the concrete wall of M-Tech, including the vertical slats that are part of the incorporated bus shelter.!1s7gpw9V6YxkCsBb9SQELMVw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Good eye.


  • winner-image.jpg
    7.8 KB · Views: 379
I love the main level of The Henry. Something about it has a retro feel.

The whole thing has a cool retro feel to it. It also looks like decent quality. I'd love to see hundreds of these around the inn city. Calgary has a startling lack of brick-clad projects.
I love the scale and love the brick, but not sure I like the design overall. There's something that I'm not crazy about, but can't put my finger on it.

From a massing perspective, my issue is the weird tall chimney things. These are far out of proportion of building and are seemingly unnecessary.
The chimneys are my issue as well. I'm expecting to see some shrubs and furniture, etc later on and that might change the look of the chimneys.
Everyone remember the building on 6th Ave and 7th Street downtown that had part of the wall collapse? Here:!7i13312!8i6656

Looks like Genco is in the initial stages of planning a residential project for that site. No permits in yet, and their website just has some initial renderings of the ground floor by the looks of things. I imagine they want to be further along with their 11th Ave Myriad project before they move more on this one:
Everyone remember the building on 6th Ave and 7th Street downtown that had part of the wall collapse? Here:,-114.0786295,3a,75y,143.32h,91.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQYKe6iAyuFwo1itCZt-cKA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

Looks like Genco is in the initial stages of planning a residential project for that site. No permits in yet, and their website just has some initial renderings of the ground floor by the looks of things. I imagine they want to be further along with their 11th Ave Myriad project before they move more on this one:
That would be sweet. I've long thought so me ofg these older buildings should be converted into residential. Thank you for posting this, you made my day!
Everyone remember the building on 6th Ave and 7th Street downtown that had part of the wall collapse? Here:,-114.0786295,3a,75y,143.32h,91.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQYKe6iAyuFwo1itCZt-cKA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

Looks like Genco is in the initial stages of planning a residential project for that site. No permits in yet, and their website just has some initial renderings of the ground floor by the looks of things. I imagine they want to be further along with their 11th Ave Myriad project before they move more on this one:
Great to hear they are doing something with that building, and even better that it's residential. Also it looks like they've upped the number of floors on their 4th street project (Myriad) to 35 floors instead of 27.
