It's perplexingly ironic to me to see so many people that are so misled, self-centred and selfish to march for freedom against the society that has given them the freedom to be so selfish. A society - even the most "free" ones like ours - doesn't work if basic public responsibility can be so openly neglected, by so many with no consequences at a time of critical action.
In non-emergencies, people are totally free to complain, be assholes, be selfish; our rich and free system has more than enough slack to accommodate their behaviours as much as many of us dislike them. The cost of jerks is built in and the stakes aren't high enough to cause many immediate life-threatening issues.
In times of crisis - specifically a crisis that get's exponentially worse, quickly as a result of selfish behaviour - our system can't afford that slack we usually afford to selfishness. If someone rejects the minor inconvenience of rule changes applied to them (with next to no enforcement) to save lives, they have lost the plot and are a societal threat.
This is all the more ironic because our Provincial government has been notable in it's very light (and failing) touch to enforce or mandate anything of consequence that would manage and mitigate the pandemic's health and economic impacts. The result is a deepening crisis, multiplying by the day to the short and long-term effect undermining of everyone's ideal outcomes including the normal people and the selfish ones themselves. Failure to control the disease will cut short and long term growth, while killing many and devastating the systems that support people in living their lives the way they see fit (i.e. freedom).
While many people are losing the freedom to go to Fabric Land with no mask, many others are losing their lives, their livelihoods (from refusing to manage the disease and it's impacts to businesses and individuals) and their long-term health due to complications from COVID. If you have an accident and need medical treatment - guess what, you are losing the freedom in about 3 weeks when the hospitals are overrun to go to the ER and get treated, thanks to selfish behaviour and a government that abdicates it's responsibility to protect all of society.