Developer: University of Calgary Properties Group
Address: 4027 University Ave NW, Calgary
Category: Residential (Hotel, Townhouse, Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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University District | ?m | ?s | University of Calgary Properties Group

No pictures today, but wanted to mention that I stopped by U/D last night. At 9:30pm it was still busy with people thanks to Savon, Village Ice Cream, and the Theatre. After visiting the area multiple times this summer, I've noticed University Ave is always busy at varying times during the day. The avenue has a nice feel to it as a pedestrian and cyclists...and even as a driver. My conclusion is that U/D is already a success even though unfinished. Really looking forward to see it after the Hotel, Argyle and Forge are well as the central park.
No pictures today, but wanted to mention that I stopped by U/D last night. At 9:30pm it was still busy with people thanks to Savon, Village Ice Cream, and the Theatre. After visiting the area multiple times this summer, I've noticed University Ave is always busy at varying times during the day. The avenue has a nice feel to it as a pedestrian and cyclists...and even as a driver. My conclusion is that U/D is already a success even though unfinished. Really looking forward to see it after the Hotel, Argyle and Forge are well as the central park.
Where are all the doubters that thought vibrancy cannot be planned into existence?

Upon full completion, U/D, Bridgeland, and EV will be a solid gold standard for what "good" master planning looks like in Calgary. This will hopefully prevent future planning failures like a Shawnessy TOD.
Which begs the question, “Why do they need a drive through on 17th?”

Because many of their clientele is the type to drive up and down 17th revving their engines or it’s the SUV family drivers from Mount Royal & Elbow Park who don’t get out of their cars in a neighbourhood like that.
Imagine if there was an integrated C-train station right at the center of this.
The only disappointment for me of U/D so far is the lack of transit integration. Yeah, a streetcar or a gondola would be cool, but more practically:
- The max orange station is not well integrated with either the children's hospital nor U/D
- Service on the max orange (11 min peak, 20-30 min off-peak) is way too limited for people to count on it as rapid transit. I'd like to see the university push for (maybe co-fund) those headways to be cut in half, at least between Brentwood and North Hill
