University District | ?m | ?s | University of Calgary Properties Group

The walk-up window at the McDonald's is already up (and some hiring posters):

University District is conducting a survey about the community and how it can be improved.

At the end, you can enter to win a 100$ gift card for Saveon.

The only thing I suggested was adding bike infrastructure (More like West District). Everything else is shaping up to be great so far.
University District is conducting a survey about the community and how it can be improved.

At the end, you can enter to win a 100$ gift card for Saveon.

The only thing I suggested was adding bike infrastructure (More like West District). Everything else is shaping up to be great so far.
Submitted - agreed on the bicycle infrastructure. A great opportunity for a top-tier cycletrack to connect to the university and surrounding areas. Really the last missing piece.
It's a shame the city can't get their head out of their ass and do something like this for Anderson, Westbrook, Chinook or Brentwood.
It was easier for West campus lands to do University District because they were the sole owner of all land parcels, but I understand where you’re coming from.
It’s frustrating to see those areas not getting developed properly. Especially Westbrook it’s just a big open field, what a waste.
Westbrook, at least in the immediate vicinity is one parcel too. Unfortunately, it seems lost. That multiple projects in Sunalta from multiple owners got the math to work and Westbrook hasn't really grinds. It should be a wonderful location for a student/young profesisonals oriented neighbourhood.
Westbrook, at least in the immediate vicinity is one parcel too. Unfortunately, it seems lost. That multiple projects in Sunalta from multiple owners got the math to work and Westbrook hasn't really grinds. It should be a wonderful location for a student/young profesisonals oriented neighbourhood.
its still early days in convincing the market that Calgarians do actually want to live an urban car free lifestyle, give it some time. I think the U-district doing so well will only help Brentwood and Westbrook. I'd throw Lion's park in there with a station that could be so much better than it is. However i can't help but feel anderson is a lost cause with the size of McLeod trail and anderson road intersection widths.

I was talking in the elevator today about how difficult Calgary presale markets are, co worker has been waiting 4 years for his and has only made maybe $60k in appreciation if that.
Did you happen to notice if the married students townhouses had started demolition? I was hoping to go get some photos of the complex before it went.
Thanks for bringing this up, I was going to mention something about it and forgot.

The section in red is completely gone now.
It still drives me crazy how wide and car-centric the street design is in this neighbourhood. This was probably the best opportunity to implement a truly pedestrian-centred design with curb extensions, elevated crosswalks, narrower lanes, etc. and the City blew it.
The streets are wide, but a thing I like about University District is the sidewalks are also wide. It’s easy to walk around U/D as a pedestrian.
