The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

In both East Village & West Village projects, they have a financial partner. Probably a fund of some kind (i.e. pension) which seems to be an investment trend with purpose rental projects.
Cidex Group are associated with Intergulf-Cidex in Vancouver. They were co-developers in Westgate Park but in the last few years, they have been developing projects independently of each other.
In both East Village & West Village projects, they have a financial partner. Probably a fund of some kind (i.e. pension) which seems to be an investment trend with purpose rental projects.
Cidex Group are associated with Intergulf-Cidex in Vancouver. They were co-developers in Westgate Park but in the last few years, they have been developing projects independently of each other.
It could be mistaken, but I believe AIMCo is the fund behind the West Village Towers.
The Fact that Cidex Group is Developing their Own Independent Plans for Dvlpmts/Projects shows that Calgary Business Market on its Own in Terms of Commercial,
and Residential Markets. What Happens in Vancouver, Edmonton or Places Like Winnipeg is Something Different. As the Markets in Calgary Improve and we get a Change in Provincial Gvmnts then Calgary will come Back to being a Business Center in Western Canada. Not just Oil/Gas but High Teck, Banking and Other Business Operations.
Lets Hope So.

That's right. They are developing rentals for a large pension fund. Cidex has built or starting on roughly 1000 units. Who knows how many AIMCo wants. This has as good a shot of being built as any proposal.
Hi Group,
Right On! I Keep Reading in the Herald, Sun/Metro and CREB Weekly Newspapers that Dvlprs are Feeling a LOT More Confident in the Economy to Invest. Depending on how One looks at Investments/Economy tells Me that Cinfidence is Very High depending on Who had tapped into Who for those Investment Dollars. If ALL the Projects get Blt, We could have a Totally Different Skyline Both West/South on the Belt Line and Mission.

Cidex Developments already have two projects in the early stages of construction in Calgary. It would be pretty ambitious of them to start another one anytime soon, IMHO

Yeah sounds very risky to have both this and West Village underway concurrently especially given the rising rate environment.
The Cidex proposals are all rentals for now, so perhaps the rising rates will be a benefit to them, as home ownership becomes harder to achieve, people will still want to live in a new building downtown, and will be more likely to rent?
Hard to say but with rising rates, pension funds like AIMCo have more alternatives to achieve their targeted returns than residential rental. Whether higher rates will increase demand for rental is uncertain. I suspect it will decrease demand as higher payments on consumer debt will leave less available for rent.
Good point. Demand for units is not enough to get them built so it doesn't matter what effect increased rates will have on it.
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The architecture is pretty conventional, but still nice. Either way it will be a stunning introduction to downtown because of the height as you make your way up Macleod Trail.

I think the real power of this project is how it interacts with the Elbow River and the stores and public plazas backing onto the river. It could really transform Calgary's experience with the river in an urban direction in a way that we haven't been able to achieve in Eau Claire. I haven't been, but I imagine it would be like San Antonio's relationship with its river or to a lesser extent, Chicago's. Even if it's for such a small area, it's still worth it.
Wow! Didn't really think this one would go, it's pretty ambitious even without the design that looks like it came from Dubai.
Any idea on start dates for anything?
Lets See - 56 Flrs Up, REAL HIGH, My, My, Just Where Will It B in Relation to the Elbow, Mac Leod Tr., and What ever cross St, if One. There are Also the 3/4 Bldgs that will B Going Up in the Areas North of 25th Ave in the Next few Years as Well, Funny as it sounds now, but I never Dreamed of Projects that Heights in the Areas.More Like Lpw Rise Projects 5/6 Flrs as a bit West in the Areas where the Lindsey Park Sports Complex is located.
