Doesn't look bad from that angle. Reminds me a lot Stella/Luna
I think that's because you're looking at them from the Coop parking lot. At least that's what did it for me.Doesn't look bad from that angle. Reminds me a lot Stella/Luna
Yeah, I prefer it from this side versus the back side. I'm curious what the final landscaping/etc will look like, up close right now on the ground level it's got some pretty brutalist concrete going on but might not be finished so I won't judge anything yet.Doesn't look bad from that angle. Reminds me a lot Stella/Luna
I heard a rumor that this project is going so well, that a 4th tower maybe be built in the parking lot slightly to northwest. At one time, Remington proposed a hotel for the site that ultimately became the Deville, so maybe a hypothetical 4th tower could be rental, hotel or condo. Regardless, these 3 towers should liven up the retail at Quarry Park Market.
I wonder what Remington will do with the land to the south of the rec center? It had been proposed as a design-build-sell office campus similar to the model and scale of the Imperial Oil complex. Given that Calgary has enough vacant office space to last for decades, the only reasonable uses I envision would be retail or multi-unit residential.
Remington also bought the former Lafarge site across the river. You can see some fill that has been stockpiled to eventually raise the site above flood plain. Years ago, Remington indicated that it would tie plans to the Province's intent for Deerfoot improvements as re-engineering the Deerfoot-Anderson-Bow Bottom interchange will change access to the site, and possibly involve some land reconfiguration. I can't see that site being suitable to anything other than office or retail. The site prep and transportation access costs would likely be too high to support retail. It would make a great site for office space, possibly with a riverfront pathway and pededrian bridge connecting to the rest of Quarry Park.
Looks like Remington is going forward with a 4th tower, but maybe apartments and not a hotel:
Quarry Landing will be interesting... very isolated from almost anything except the dog park. I bet they're waiting to see what happens with the Southland/Anderson/Bow Bottom interchanges and any possible changes to them before doing anything but sitting on this property.Dug around a bit and found this, bit more clarity on timelines perhaps. I was surprised that they're considering resurrecting that long abandoned building off 24th in 2023. It also highlights that fourth parcel by Deville as a future hotel, so you could be onto something there.
Quarry Landing will be interesting... very isolated from almost anything except the dog park. I bet they're waiting to see what happens with the Southland/Anderson/Bow Bottom interchanges and any possible changes to them before doing anything but sitting on this property.
I haven't been able to find it anywhere, but the original plans had some sort of pedestrian bridge going basically right where the original Lafarge bridge used to be.