Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

Looks like a more formal opposition to this project is starting up. I had heard a revised application was supposed to have been submitted by the end of September but haven't heard anything further. Anybody else hear anything similar?

I spoke to the file manager last week. They have not received a response to their initial detailed team review that they sent to the applicant sometime before July 4th.
I spoke to the file manager last week. They have not received a response to their initial detailed team review that they sent to the applicant sometime before July 4th.

Why craft a response when the financials depend entirely on untenable wartime oil prices with the city subsidizing a massive office building for a white whale tenant that may not work out. Seems to me like they’re operating on an oldschool mentality and not used to being challenged.
If they put this somewhere else there is an empty block I wouldn't even care, but not using Stephen Ave as a location. If they really want to build it, im sure there is cheaper land around downtown they can use than tearing down Stephen Ave
Put this where the Elbow River Hat is slated. I'll be okay with that.
I know people near to this project, don't count it dead just yet.
I agree. Triovest/Coril are not going to be satisfied with 'status quo'. Obviously, something has to be done with the derelict 7th Ave side. There is too much valuable real estate on that entire block to keep things as they are.
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I know people near to this project, don't count it dead just yet.
Any other info? Are they re-tooling and editing for a launch? They haven't even properly pitched this yet. Seems like everything is being done in secret trying to attract as little attention as possible.

I agree. Triovest/Coril are not going to be satisfied with 'status quo'. Obviously, something has to be zone with the derelict 7th Ave side. There is too much valuable real estate on that entire block to keep things as they are.

The 7th Ave side will be an even bigger loss as they clearly plan to just bulldoze the whole thing. Those empty buildings add more to the urban fabric than whatever monstrous podium they plan on building. I miss the robo parkade!!!! At least that proposed preservation of the heritage buildings.
Would they really build office on spec in this market? It was hinted by @darwink earlier in this thread that the hotel/condo may go forward as the intended phase, is that perhaps what you mean?
It was heavily rumoured that Suncor was looking to get out of their space (in the old Petro Canada towers) and move into something brand new, so if they signed on that would be all that would be needed for the office portion of this to be a go.
I believe he knew that. It seems like he was responding in part to the post saying that Suncor is re-signing for another term with Brookfield at Suncor Energy Centre.
