Palliser One | 122m | 27s

And so it begins, LED section already burnt out.
So I'm curious as to how other cities are able to pull off reliable LEDs?The ones across from my worksite in Burnaby have been consistently shining every night. There must be something that's not being done right or else global cities around the world wouldn't rely so heavily on them to prop up districts.
So I'm curious as to how other cities are able to pull off reliable LEDs?The ones across from my worksite in Burnaby have been consistently shining every night. There must be something that's not being done right or else global cities around the world wouldn't rely so heavily on them to prop up districts.
It could be something to do with how they are installed. Here in Calgary at least, each installation is unique, and maybe that's part of the issue. I'm not sure it's a Calgary thing though, when I was in Hong Kong, I noticed burnt out LEDs on buildings a few times. Maybe it comes down to how aggressive the owners are about fixing them.
I am quite curious how much of an issue it is elsewhere. Cities like Dubai or Shanghai where they are as concerned about the symbol the buildings represent as they are about the purpose it serves, those likely get replaced quite quickly. But what about other places where operating costs are more of a concern as they seem to be here?
I'm not familiar with the 707 to Watermark one and am fine with the Gulf to Penn one.

I was thinking more along the lines of the LED wraps that are capable of showing images. Perhaps there could be some sort of interactive ones, others with music ser to the artistic images etc.

Something like this, but just on +15's instead of a whole building.

On the topic of LED's, I would love to see +15's wrapped in LED's. It would add light and a feeling of safety to downtown to start with. Another big benefit would be that it makes the +15's a street level attraction, rather than drawing people off of the streets.
This is a completely genius idea and I bet it wouldn't cost much (relatively speaking) at all. Somebody please pitch it to the decision makers!
Even custom-shaped digital screens with advertisements running along parts of plus 15 or ground-level windows would do wonders. I still can't believe we don't have any in Calgary. The one on Arris podium doesn't do justice. I'm talking about the stuff you see along retail streets, plaza's and sky bridges in Toronto, Vancouver, and other global cities, etc. Like a Lululemon, or any other global brand advertisement, playing in a video loop on a high res screen. Really adds to that big city vibe. On top of that, throw in some Asian-style neon lights on these towers, maybe even some massive lit-up vertical text banners along the sides of the towers, as seen in cities like Tokyo and Madrid, and then boom! the Core won't seem so dark and depressing to walk around post 5 pm.
Lighting can definitely make the biggest difference to anything from a run-down house to a run-down district.
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