Oxford Tower | 262.12m | 62s | Oxford Properties

making a comment, I made one on Edmonton, Vancouver, and Toronto. I was met with thanks, or just mutual responses none of this crap. But over here
OK, fair enough, it looked like it was meant to be trolling, but since it wasn’t we can carry on with the discussion.
As I mentioned earlier, unfortunately, this won’t likely ever get built.l, and maybe that’s a good thing. A tower this tall, mixed use would be better rather than a big office tower.
I've deleted the previous string of posts as it appears a misunderstanding of the original intent. Back to the discussion relating to Oxford Tower. :)
Math is harrrrrrdddd.... must be why Toronto condo speculators hold properties with negative cashflow and default on u/c projects when they can't secure enough pre-sales.
Calgary stays winning.
I've deleted the previous string of posts as it appears a misunderstanding of the original intent. Back to the discussion relating to Oxford Tower. :)
As always, gigantic thanks to Surrealplaces for putting their time and effort into Skyrise.
Let it be remembered that this little nook of development enthusiasts in Calgary will, under no circumstances, become a nazi bar.

Happy belated pride to the beautiful trans and queer dorks of the forum
As always, gigantic thanks to Surrealplaces for putting their time and effort into Skyrise.
Let it be remembered that this little nook of development enthusiasts in Calgary will, under no circumstances, become a nazi bar.

Happy belated pride to the beautiful trans and queer dorks of the forum
What are you talking about?
Did I miss something? I feel like I’m in the wrong thread or something. I thought there was an update for the Oxford tower.

Regarding the Oxford location. I hope someday there will be a redesign for a hotel/residential tower ~65 floors with a spire just tall enough to make it the new tallest.
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Did I miss something? I feel like I’m in the wrong thread or something. I thought there was an update for the Oxford tower.
Just some blue-check philosophers found their way to the forum, extremely predictable discourse to follow.

I do really hope we see something North of Stephen Ave in Downtown during my lifetime, but the public realm down there needs some serious remediation work before it's livable enough to attract investment. Hopefully whatever profit the City is making off the office-to-residential conversion program is getting reinvested directly into that. Perhaps some incentive and density bonusing structures would do nicely.

Street Manual save us.
