There are a lot of people living precariously who don't think affordable housing is a "fluffy" issue. Fluff is a multi-billion road project that leads nowhere and that totally violates everything we know about urban planning and traffic engineering.
That said, I get the comment about Nenshi being belligerent. He reminds me of David Miller (TO Mayor 2003-2010) in that he rose to power on a hope and change message, but is quite aggressive in attempting to steer the agenda. I think it's in part a product of being a "vision" candidate in a weak mayor system. If you have a specific vision and little political power to enact it, you end up getting in a lot of political fights. On the other hand, Bill Smith reminds me of John Tory: a no-vision, crony-capitalist, establishment type who will quietly steer through a pro-big business agenda while trying not to openly offend anyone or upset the status quo. Not the kind of mayor you want when Ken King comes begging for public money to support his for-profit corporation.