The amount of work they've done is amazing. They've now installed most of the framework for the outer shell, and swan mall looks like its almost ready to get the topsoil put back on.
A neat thing is the internal windows have what looks to be an operable panel so people can get out to work on the install of the outer glass, and all the equipment that could be between the layers of glass.
You can really see this here. Also with this and other photos we see glass on all four sides. The internal glass is to provide a comfortable environment inside. The outer glass, at one point they were thinking about installing solar PV in-between the facades, and of course the use of solar passive heating in limited amounts, so it is very permeable to radiation. It will be interesting to see what that type on glass, the outer facade, will actually look like, given that most of the time cooling will be more important than heating, perhaps except for higher floors to create a solar chimey to passively circulate air between the facades.
I like that there is still going to be an extra bit of visible height to this when it's finished. The building is already more noticeable from other parts of the city.